4 Answers

  1. And if you achieve your goals, will you lose the meaning of life? Therefore, if you are an achiever in your life, it is better to accept the path to goals as the meaning of life. More generally, think of a path rather than a goal and follow it. Not to the goals, but to the meaning. Let goals be a by-product of the search for this very meaning.

  2. Hi hi)) Of course you can

    Perhaps not for me, but for a person who thinks so, it is possible. Why?

    In real life, many people think about it and don't find the answer. The answer is simply not there. Why? Think about the time when you were just born. You were a being who had just come to this world. Of course, you didn't have a goal, a dream, or even aspirations for anything, let alone a sense of life.

    Now back to the present. What has changed? You have passed a path in which you have faced different situations. You can read, write, and gain knowledge. But you still can't find the meaning of life. The meaning of life is not something that can be learned, defined, or acquired.

    It can be different: for someone, the meaning of life is to be with a loved one; for someone, in a thing that is very dear to him; someone thinks that his meaning of life is his dream; someone has changed the meaning of life for himself. And all this is the “meaning of life” for these people, and this is normal. Because each of us chooses for himself what his meaning of life is. To the question: “What is the meaning of life?” you don't need to search for answers, but you need to create/determine the answer yourself, because no one can answer this question to another person.

    P.S Статья из Дзена: https://zen.yandex.ru/media/id/5f81d56fb02a7e1f33808e40/v-chem-smysl-jizni-5f81fe6eb1a4d95dc03aeb87

  3. Can. Most people live like this. This is in fact quite an acceptable and profitable option.
    But one thing: the goals should be yours.
    Otherwise, you will achieve what you don't need, and you will be sad…

  4. In principle, everyone comes up with the meaning of life for themselves. Achieving goals isn't the worst possible meaning. But there is also one big minus in it. The more successful a person is at achieving goals, the more likely it is that one day the goals will run out and the meaning will disappear.

    Therefore, it is better to choose a meaning that will not run out one day.

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