3 Answers

  1. Given that most of the emotions (sensory reactions to what is happening) it shouldn't have existed, most of them can disappear once and for all, and were created only due to logical errors – yes, you can say that just glitches. Not all of them, but most of them are accurate. And it is clear that they arise from exposure to chemicals, but the fact is that they still do not appear just like that. This is still an inadequate response, but to what is happening in reality.�

    There is even a whole conglomerate of feelings that should not have existed, but which arose as a result of the suppression of aggression during the upbringing period: fear of life-threatening, feelings of guilt and shame. That is, 99% of the variations in these reactions. And they should not have existed so much that they are quite easily modified and disappear with the proper steps. Or, for example, addiction to cigarettes or alcohol is also a glitch. There is no physical dependence on them, and if you understand the sensual side of this dependence, it simply disappears like a burst bubble. This does not mean that the process is pleasant (cigarettes save you from boring reality), but it is still, in fact, a glitch that some people dissolve in seconds. And if something just disappears and never reappears, you even forget what it looks like, then why not call it a hallucination? But, of course, the concept of attitude to what is happening is still important and to consider feelings ONLY from the point of view of physiology is an attempt to distance yourself from them, to transcend them, which does not bring anything good for contact with yourself and with other people.�

    Or here's a codependent relationship (which is toxic or whatever words you use here). In them, the girl goes through a real bad trip, plunging into incredible hallucinatory experiences. It is necessary to forcibly break the connection, she will still experience incredible pain at the moment of its break. She can believe to the last that she is madly in love with this person, and the next day she is ready to kill him for all the pain caused and for the terrible time spent. This feeling of dependence will disappear altogether. This is a real-life example. I mean, one day she was with him for six months, crawling on her knees so that he wouldn't leave, and the next day she hated him and was terrified of how she had behaved all that time. What is this, if not a hallucination? A real bad trip, lasting six months.

  2. From a legal point of view – of course, it is legitimate, in our country they do not put you in jail for perverting the meaning of words, even so blatant. But if you want to look like a mentally healthy person, I would not say so, but would look at the definitions of both.


    Female gender

    1. The phenomenon of deception of vision, hearing, smell, etc. due to a mental disorder.
    Emotion (from Lat.emoveo is a medium-duration mental process[1] that reflects a subjective evaluative attitude to existing or possible situations and the objective world

  3. Only pseudoscience can compare emotions with hallucinations and put an equal sign between them. There are seven emotional states-joy, annoyance, sadness, thoughtfulness, grief, fear, and anxiety. If the emotional state is too strong or too prolonged, they can significantly affect the body and lead to the appearance of illness. The Su-wen treatise says: “Irritation destroys the liver, joy destroys the heart, thoughtfulness destroys the spleen, sadness destroys the lungs, and fear destroys the kidneys.” With respect.

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