3 Answers

  1. Generally speaking, those who value their reputation and audience, who are not politically engaged (as much as possible). And, of course, different points of view. If we talk about the media, then this is the BBC (they also have a Russian-language version), Vedomosti, the Reuters website, etc. It is useful to read news and analytics in a foreign language. Modern technologies allow you to do this even without knowing the language.

    As for personalities, I prefer representatives of the academic environment. As one of its representatives said, it has deeper and more fundamental values than short-term political or business ideas. There is less emotional background.

  2. If you are interested in a particular topic, it is useful to read/watch/listen to what experts say about it on a variety of media platforms. It is important to do this even if you are not at all sympathetic to the expressed point of view on a particular resource. Even a negative and sometimes biased position, in your opinion, allows you to look at the issue more broadly and gives food for thought. Accumulating information will allow you to better understand what is happening. In general, it is important to understand, and as noted above, that the concept of independent media is strongly romanticized. Of course, there are more or less biased media outlets, but having a certain position is absolutely normal for any information resource. Another issue is that the quality of this resource is determined, among other things, by how information is presented, whether alternative points of view are presented, the level of speakers, and so on. If we are not talking about the author's column / program, then you should be offered various facts from which you can form your own opinion about the problem, and not a ready-made picture. It is very useful to know who is the owner/shareholder of a particular publication, what interest groups he / they represent. As already mentioned, it is important to be able to watch / read foreign press, especially now there are a lot of opportunities for this.

  3. I do not agree with the previous speaker in the political lack of engagement of the Air Force. I was writing a diploma where I researched the corporation's materials on events in the Middle East. In the BBC's materials, the armed Syrian opposition magically changes from militias to fighters, depending on who these people are fighting against. From the Russian media, you can read Vedomosti, partially Medusa, listen to Business fm. From international sources such as Reuters, Bloomberg, Euronews, if you are interested in news. On the other hand, you won't find truly independent journalism anywhere else right now.

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