3 Answers

  1. Ketamine will help you, although it's not certain that you'll experience exactly what you need, and you won't be able to document (and therefore prove)it that you have taken part in an astral journey will seem like a dream to you, but you will have the opportunity to experience the effect of “getting out of your body”. Carefully study this “drug” before you try it (do I need to say that it's not worth it), but if anything, I didn't tell you this, and you didn't hear it (dot)

  2. I read in Metzinger, traveling with the astral body is nothing more than traveling according to your own model of the world inside the brain. Everyone has an imaginary” map ” of the area, updated where he was and conjectured where he was not. In the book ego tunnel, he describes this.

  3. Fortunately, over the 20 years of the James Randy Foundation's existence (the James Randy Foundation is known for officially guaranteeing a prize to anyone who can demonstrate paranormal abilities in a properly staged experiment. Initially, the award was offered at $ 1,000, later — at $ 10,000 (from Randy's personal funds), and since 2002, thanks to a donation from a certain private person, the foundation has raised the amount of the award to $ 1,000,000), no applicant has been able to get this award, although there were quite a lot of applicants — about 50 people applied for testing a year.

    There is also the Harry Houdini Award — a 1 million-ruble award established by the popular science video channel Sci-One and the Genotech Medical and Genetic Center for demonstrating paranormal abilities in a correctly conducted scientific experiment.

    Needless to say, such esoteric tricks have nothing to do with reality? You won't be able to travel.

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