3 Answers
The egg, of course. Eggs were still present in insects and dinosaurs long before the appearance of birds.
And even if you take only chickens, the egg was the first. That is, there is an evolution, organisms mutate. The embryo of a dinosaur can mutate in an egg – from such an egg a chicken will appear-this is a chicken egg.
An already born individual cannot do this – a dinosaur could not mutate into a chicken after hatching from an egg.
In general, the question only makes sense in two cases: 1) creationism – when either a chicken or an egg was created at one point in time; 2) if you specify in the question condition-what exactly is meant by an egg, and what specifically is meant by a chicken.
And so in general, in our time, the philosophical questions of the past are sometimes too simple to seriously bother with.
If we are talking about an egg in general (not a chicken), then the egg was earlier because the ancestors of reptilian birds also reproduced with eggs. If we are talking about a chicken egg, then in the vporos it is necessary to specify:what is a “chicken egg” – it is an egg laid by a chicken or an egg from which a chicken will appear. Then the answer will become obvious 🙂
The egg, of course. Eggs were still present in insects and dinosaurs long before the appearance of birds.
And even if you take only chickens, the egg was the first. That is, there is an evolution, organisms mutate. The embryo of a dinosaur can mutate in an egg – from such an egg a chicken will appear-this is a chicken egg.
An already born individual cannot do this – a dinosaur could not mutate into a chicken after hatching from an egg.
In general, the question only makes sense in two cases: 1) creationism – when either a chicken or an egg was created at one point in time; 2) if you specify in the question condition-what exactly is meant by an egg, and what specifically is meant by a chicken.
And so in general, in our time, the philosophical questions of the past are sometimes too simple to seriously bother with.
2 Answers
Less than three weeks later, the question was asked again.
So that the system does not delete the link to the previous fifty answers to this question, I will give one of the answers, mine:
There is a predkuritsa and a pre-petukh. The sun is shining, there is all sorts of radiation, other mutagens. And now the egg or sperm, the carriers of information about the future child of the pre-chicken and pre-baby, are damaged. The ancestress lays a fertilized egg with a defect, but the defect is such that the new creature turns out to be a chicken.
Then there will be a question – what was the first, pre-chicken or pre-chicken egg.
Eggs-caviar as a method of reproduction appeared long before fish. All sorts of worms, for example, invertebrates, also multiply in this way.
In the end, this question will be reduced to a question:
what was before — DNA or DNA ))
After all DNA is the most important thing an egg and a chicken:
In living organisms, almost all processes occur mainly due to enzymes of a protein nature. Proteins, however, cannot self-replicate and are synthesized de novo in the cell based on information stored in the DNA. But the doubling of DNA occurs only due to the participation of proteins and RNA. A vicious circle is formed, because of which, in the framework of the theory of the spontaneous generation of life, it was necessary to recognize the need not only for abiogenic synthesis of both classes of molecules, but also for the spontaneous emergence of a complex system of their interrelation.
The next theory and hypothesis was that RNA can exist completely autonomously, and it was the first chicken-egg.
That is, seriously, the question of the topic – where did the DNA and RNA come from?
The first traces of life are now considered to be eoarchean stromatolites, products of cyanobacterial communities. This means that life appeared very quickly – at the same time as the solid earth's crust.
I'll assume a chicken's egg. Let's assume that there was once a proto-chicken, which, like other organisms, develops. And then one day she became a mother to a mutant, who appeared in the egg and the name of this mutant is chicken.
9 Answers
Why? The chicken hatched from the egg! With nothing to do, some people write, and then they are outraged that there are a lot of dislikes…After all, the first mother appeared, and not the child…think…
If we consider from the point of view of the universe, the chicken appeared earlier, then the egg. Chicken, the end result. You can't build a house without a house plan. Because you don't know the end result. And since the end result is a chicken then from what it will appear no matter from the egg or the womb of the mother etc
I'll make my own guess.
Earlier, an egg appeared, that is, an organic cell.
And also on the globe, the egg also appeared first.
An egg or oocyte is an egg cell from which an embryo develops outside of the womb.
Next, I will develop the idea and fantasize…
It is likely that the egg was originally soft, but because of some necessity it has grown a hard shell. Or perhaps, on the contrary, the shell of the egg-cage was made of stone or even iron, like a meteorite.
The egg is a kind of capsule with a supply of nutrients, and if the egg is fertilized, then someone will hatch from it and as you know, the environment has a direct impact on who will hatch and what will develop. In general, something had to happen that affected the development of the embryo and it became, for example, not a dinosaur or something else, but a chicken. Third-party intervention of either nature, or genetic engineers, or God.
Again, the ” egg ” is easier to travel in space.
We need to send fertilized lizard eggs to Mars. Then on Mars, it is definitely the egg that will appear first after a long break, and a lizard will hatch or not a lizard-this can be checked. I dare to assume that on “our” earth it was already like this, everyone just forgot.
But as you know, an embryo in an egg can not be without fertilization. This means that the version about an egg in the form of an egg with an imbrion disappears. From this it follows that the first was actually a rooster, and then a chicken, and then an egg with an imbrion.
In theory, the egg from which the chicken appeared . After all, life is formed in the egg. How can a chicken without an egg appear . In general , the first appeared ” Dinosaurs “
The chicken was certainly the first to appear,as is clear from the Bible verse about the creation of the world.Without the hen, the egg would not be able to create an internal embryo and subsequently a chick, simply because of the mismatch of the temperature regime! If there was a hen, she could both lay an egg and bring a chicken out of it.That is, the presence of an egg does not guarantee the emergence of life from it, that is, a chicken!!!
And God said, Let the waters bring forth creeping things, a living soul; and let birds fly over the earth in the firmament of heaven. [And so it was.]
!http://www.patriarchia.ru/images/1×1.gif 21 And God created great fishes, and every living thing of every creeping thing that the waters produced, after their kind, and every feathered bird after its kind. And God saw that it was good.
The Bible Genesis 1 Chapter
So the first one was the chicken!!!!
Many problems boil down to this unsolvable question. Does it make a big difference whether it's green grapes or black grapes, or whether it's red roses or white roses? Questions are not effective as a means of learning, and the answers to them generate even more questions.
Egg. Because before the chicken, there was some kind of transition link that laid the egg. The first chicken in the world definitely came from an egg. It is unlikely that the ancestors of the chicken were viviparous.