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Technically, mutuelism is a society of adult conscious people who have abandoned various idiots.
In practice, this society is similar to the communist one, only without focusing on who owns the means of production. After all, the capitalists in this system do not oppress the working class, do not rob it, but act as such ideal entrepreneurs, and they receive necessary profits, not maximized, by sharing the rest. In other words, profit becomes not a” payment for risk”, not a” success in the market”, but a payment for the labor of the person who created the enterprise and gave others work. In this society, there are no “greedy oligarchs”, because everyone works consciously, voluntarily, productively. There is no corruption in any form. No crime. Under these circumstances, the state is no longer necessary, and there is an ideal anarchy in which conscious, intelligent people negotiate with each other for the common good.
Well, right away, mutuelism is not a movement, but a concept.
What does it mean that mutuelism is not a method belonging to the economic formation?
It all started with the guild of weavers and tailors in the city of Mutuel.
They decided to insure their sales .
Simply put, if one did not sell anything, the second sold it – they divide the money under the guarantee that the next time if one did not sell, the second one will help him.
So the first cooperative was created, and then the cooperative bank.
Mutualism is cooperation .
Cooperation as a method that will kill capitalism was first raised by the founder of anarchism, Proudhon.
His ideas were supported by Marx, but they argued about property ownership and private property, which resulted in the books Proudhon's philosophy of poverty and the poverty of Marx's philosophy.
In short, mutuelism does not differ from socialism at all.
Communism is a radical mutualism, anarchism is a bit milder.
At the same time, everyone uses mutuelist methods.
These are consumer cooperatives, mutual aid funds, trade unions, civil insurance funds, and so on.
the essence of mutialism is that it is for market relations but against capitalism it is part of left libertarianism and left anarchism it differs from socialism in that it ideally seeks to abolish market relations when mutualism believes that they should be preserved.there is nothing different from capitalism since market relations already say that they exist and when they say that they are against capitalism it is at least strange.