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Quantity and quality. One does not exist without the other.
The law of transition of quantitative changes to qualitative ones is the second law of dialectics, which says that quantity and quality, being opposites, are dialectically interrelated in such a way that when quantity changes to a certain limit, a transition to a new quality occurs. For example, water can be heated to 20, 30, 40, etc. degrees. It will still remain water. But at some point, a single degree separating 99°C from 100°C causes the water to turn into steam, acquiring a new quality. In other words, a change in the quantitative value of temperature leads to a change in the qualitative state of water.
In the question of a well-made thing, by the way, there is also such a transition. Baudrillard also spoke about this in his “Consumer Society”, noting that people have learned to disguise any deficit as a surplus. That is, if it is difficult to get a practical, high-quality thing for any needs due to the very lack of quality, then sooner or later a cheaper and less high-quality analog of this thing will be invented, which will be produced in huge quantities. This mechanism, by the way, also works in the opposite direction.