7 Answers

  1. Marriage is a union between a man and a woman, which entails the emergence of personal and property rights and obligations, based on voluntariness and equality. Purchase – the acquisition of something in the property for money or other valuables. Lease – provision of property for temporary use for a certain fee.

  2. I don't like the sound of both options. They somehow replace subjects with objects by default. At least in our society, it is not legal to buy/sell or rent a living person.

    Therefore, in the case of marriage, there will be rather a “mutually beneficial cooperation agreement”. Under the benefit can be understood anything.

  3. In a modern equal society, a marriage union between two, as a rule, opposite-sex individuals is a voluntary agreement of the parties, which can also be terminated voluntarily or through a court. For this reason, “marriage by analogy is more like” rent rather than purchase. Because buying is a property that can be given away, sold, exchanged, or something else that cannot be done either with the marriage itself or with the spouses.

  4. This is a mutually beneficial deal. When there is a mutual benefit. Even if it is implicit. For example, being under the thumb of his wife, a weak-willed man gets a “mommy” who, although dominating him, takes full responsibility for solving all problems.

  5. Marriage, by analogy , is more like a “purchase” than a “lease”. Since the essence of marriage as a social institution and concept is inextricably linked with property. Ownership of both property (literally) and” property ” in the figurative sense of one's partner in marriage-husband / wife. Why should a person who does not claim either property or possessiveness in relation to another person marry? What will marriage bring to such a person? “Nothing. Marriage is an expression of possessiveness: on things, another person, children from him. And only that. Accordingly, if what is bought becomes “property” and what is rented does not, then marriage is closer to property than to rent.

  6. Marriage, by analogy, is more like buying or renting?

    leasing is more suitable .. you use it alone, and you pay out the cost gradually .. if anything, you can buy it back .. or over time, just after the fact of payments, the old ramshackle house will become the property.

  7. Marriage is neither one nor the other. If we draw an analogy, then Marriage is rather a sacrifice.

    The question arises: Why can we draw such a conclusion?

    If we turn to the Bible, we will learn what the relationship between spouses should be based on. And it becomes clear why such a comparison is appropriate.

    It says: “let every one of you love his wife as himself; but let the wife fear (respect) her husband” (Ephesians 5:33).

    The Bible calls for love and respect in marriage. And true love is a spirit of self-sacrifice, a willingness to make sacrifices for the well-being of a life partner. If the couple loves each other, they will think first of all about the happiness of their other half, and not focus on their desires and preferences. And this, in turn, will make their union strong and happy and they will fully enjoy the bonds of marriage. You can learn even more about the relationship between spouses from the Bible.

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