7 Answers

  1. I asked one person why he entered the philosophy department, the answer was: “Well, first of all, this will not be my only education…”.�

    Different people study in philosophy departments. There are also outspoken “philosophers to the core” who do not get out of libraries and make tattoos with Nietzsche quotes. There are those who do not plan to work in the near future, and want to get an education “for general development”. There are those who hate exact sciences and want to get a general humanitarian education. There are those who want a reprieve from the army.

    The future is also different for everyone. Philosophical education, as well as philological, historical, and cultural studies, is often not obtained for the future profession. This is a base that provides a general level of erudition, competent speech, and intellectual work skills. And then you can go anywhere – in politics, business, teaching, special services, journalism, blogging.

  2. People tend to ask questions. There is a layer of people who do not give themselves any rest with an abundance of questions in their head. These individuals have been suffering and tormenting themselves since adolescence. And the difference is the scope of questions – where to go to earn money and why should I choose where to go to earn money. Just the same in childhood and adolescence, there is an interest in learning everything around you. The former simply do not understand what to do, who they are,receiving an education in the direction of philosophy,whatever one may say, they are forced to solve the fundamental problems of the universe and, as a result, themselves. Before philosophy, as well as before a single person, there are eternal questions that are difficult to answer. In search of an answer and a naive touch to the truth, a person wanders around the planet (if he is fed, dressed, etc.). Science comes to the rescue, in fact, a circle of interests that will help you understand yourself and everything around you for the rest of your life.

    How prosaic. The modern world does not need philosophers (except for brilliant students, specialists, scientists, members of the Russian Academy of Sciences). Modern people need a philosophy (or at least a religion), but they don't need an education to be successful.(except for the “crust” formalism) But how can you become successful without dealing with yourself?

  3. I graduated from philosophy. I submitted my documents there, as this is a humanitarian profile, i.e., among others (history department, law school, and so on). As they say, to the heap, and I didn't really know what kind of philosophy this was, I heard something out of the corner of my ear, like it's not difficult, there, Confucius, Socrates, Aristotle… Yeah…

    I'm out of a job right now. I got into the last year of graduation of the specialty, now all Bologna students have a “portfolio”, the feeling that the system spat out, and immediately raised the requirements. I wasn't particularly interested in science at the university, so teaching is the main area of application after philosophy – for me, this is a bar that needs to be worked on, because just higher education is no longer enough.

    We were told at the faculty about the field of application: here you go, and you will study psychology, logic, and social sciences. Here is your specialization-social management. It affected me like the fourth category in school on the white line (there is also a category of wood painting).

    It seems that you need to go there either out of great love, or with an already prepared folder for publications and regalia. If earlier it was possible to just have a higher education and you will be taken somewhere, now you can get very stupid with the philosophical one. Seriously, where are you going…?

  4. People tend to ask questions. There is a layer of people who do not give themselves any rest with an abundance of questions in their head. These individuals have been suffering and tormenting themselves since adolescence. And the difference is the scope of questions – where to go to earn money and why should I choose where to go to earn money. Just the same in childhood and adolescence, there is an interest in learning everything around you. The former simply do not understand what to do, who they are,receiving an education in the direction of philosophy,whatever one may say, they are forced to solve the fundamental problems of the universe and, as a result, themselves. Before philosophy, as well as before a single person, there are eternal questions that are difficult to answer. In search of an answer and a naive touch to the truth, a person wanders around the planet (if he is fed, clothed, etc.). Science comes to the rescue, in fact, a circle of interests that will help you understand yourself and everything around you for the rest of your life.

    How prosaic. The modern world does not need philosophers (except for brilliant students, specialists, scientists, members of the Russian Academy of Sciences). Modern people need a philosophy (or at least a religion), but they don't need an education to be successful(socially).(except for the “crust” formalism) But how can you become successful without dealing with yourself?

  5. Have you seen how many points you need (the minimum number of all areas of study at the university) for the Unified State Exam in subjects (and what subjects) to get there? You don't need to take math, physics, chemistry, or even biology with its intricate genetics. Beauty! Listening to all these intricacies of thoughts of Nietzsche, Hegel and Kant are rare units driven by curiosity and a special (philosophical) mindset. Others simply get bored, considering it all a pile of some vague rubbish and will never distinguish, even after completing their studies and receiving a diploma, Diogenes from Epicurus. Brains or no brains-go to the philosophy department! What is the future? Most likely, the seller's job is in Pyaterochka or Magnit. No employer wants to pay someone who knows how Aristotle's philosophical ideas differed from Plato's. Who needs such “specialists” who know how to operate only with abstractions that are remote from any practical use? The answer, I think, is obvious.

  6. Aristotle: “All sciences are more useful than philosophy, but none is better, it is an occupation for free people.” I studied at the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University. My only regret is that it wasn't Oxford. In the new reincarnation, I will go to the philosophical again.

  7. You can then go to the United States, conduct thematic streams and, answering idiotic questions about philosophy, cut money from schoolchildren. And in between streams, sell cookies. For example.

    And in the United States, many people use the bachelor's degree in philosophy as a “base” for obtaining a second higher education-law, because you can't get the first law degree in the United States (and if you can get it somewhere, it won't be very good, to put it mildly).

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