3 Answers

  1. The book “Theomism”, as stated in the author's commentary, was written on behalf of a literary character named Theo Om. The book does not say that he is a philosopher, but based on the fact that theomism calls itself philosophy, we can assume that the book was written by a philosopher. Although not quite typical. What philosopher would ask himself: what if I'm wrong? is it possible? or is it impossible? Philosophers, as a rule, do not ask such questions. They're all confident, aren't they. Like you, for example. Or are you just pretending to be sure of something?

  2. Tibor Fischer, “Philosophers from the High Road” – philosophy teacher, pre-socratic specialist Eddie Grobbs with a disabled punk robbing banks. Without a weapon. During breaks — a briefing from the history of philosophy. Very funny.

    Malcolm Bradbury, “Professor Criminale” – a kind of parody of the European intellectual hangout of the 90s and a caricature of Slavoj Zizek in particular. Bradbury, by the way, was the literary mentor of Kazuo Ishiguro and Ian McEwan.

    Viktor Pelevin, “Macedonian criticism of French Thought” – here Nasykh Nafikov is a philosopher and businessman.

    Robert Piercing, “Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance” – and the bike is my friend, but still Plato is more expensive. However, the book has already been written in detail here.

    But, by the way, about Plato: his “Dialogues”, where the main character is Socrates, and with him a lot of less well-known philosophers today.

    P.S. Does the philosopher Homa Brutus from Gogol's “Viya” count? Or a Muskrat with the book “On the vanity of all things” from Tuveyansson's “Moomins”?..

  3. But surprisingly, I would also include the wonderful opus “Harry Potter and the methods of rational Thinking”. An eleven-year-old boy, of course, is not a professional philosopher, but he behaves beyond his years, and many philosophical concepts and teachings are shown and revealed in this book, since the author is an educated person in all respects, and, as far as I remember, is now actively engaged in the problems of artificial intelligence. And the hero of the book is the embodiment of rationalism and many aspects of modern philosophy, which he consistently expounds and applies throughout the story. The book is available in English and in an amateur Russian translation. hpmor.com and hpmor.ru accordingly.

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