4 Answers

  1. ..I don't see how I could not live at all. My worldview was formed in such a way that I (and everyone else in my opinion) simply have no other options. I am – this is the only thing that is not rejected at all, which is the very essence of my (and yours, lol:) creatures. I live because there's nothing you can do about it. The so-called death can press reset, but the “power” button doesn't exist.

  2. To be or not to be, that's the question. Is it worthy to submit to the blows of fate, or is it necessary to resist and end them in a mortal struggle with a whole sea of troubles? Die. Forget yourself. And to know that this breaks the chain of heartache and thousands of hardships inherent in the body. Isn't this a desirable goal? To pass away. Go to sleep and forget yourself. Fall asleep… and dream? That's the answer. What dreams will you have in that mortal dream when the veil of earthly feeling is lifted? That's the answer. That's what makes our misfortunes last so many years. Otherwise, who could bear the humiliations of the age, the untruth of the oppressors, the arrogance of the nobles, the rejected feeling, the delayed judgment, and most of all the ridicule of the unworthy over the worthy, when a dagger blow so easily reduces all ends! Who would have consented to drag themselves groaning under the burden of life, when the unknown after death, the fear of a country from which no one ever returned, would not have inclined the will to put up with familiar evil rather than to seek flight to an unknown one? So thought turns us all into cowards, and our resolve wilts like a flower in the barrenness of mental impasse, so ambitious plans that promised success in the beginning perish from long delays. But enough! Ophelia! O joy! Remember my sins in your prayers, nymph.

  3. Cognition is the essence of human existence. You're just like a sponge, if you will, living and learning what's around you. When the process of learning ceases to be the key to your development, it seems to me that this is the end of your life cycle or its development. When you don't know what's around you, you know yourself. It is impossible to know yourself completely, like everything else, so you can only have fun, realizing that you are so infinitely unknowable for yourself.

  4. I'm reflecting. If you take the question philosophically, I have my own distinction between existence and life. I live because I think and reflect: About life, about the reasons for my choice, about the realization that I can not blindly follow the laws of nature-all this makes me live. Existence, for me, means: unconsciously waking up in the morning, unconsciously going to school or work, uncomplainingly accepting the standard rules of society and, even more, accepting these rules as natural-all that I call a squat worldview, implying a lack of critical thinking. After all, by performing a number of actions not consciously, but automatically, we “admit” to the world that we are mindless biorobots who performed tasks crammed into the command line by nature(or society). In summary, I will allow myself to paraphrase Rene Descartes: I think critically, therefore, I live, and do not exist.

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