6 Answers

  1. From the point of view of Kant's philosophy, everything in the world of phenomena is subject to the law of causality, i.e. everything happens necessarily, and there is nothing in the world of phenomena that happens without a cause. Causality is determined by our way of perception. For example, the sound/color capability is provided by our ability to perceive sound/color. The presence of causality is also an a priori form of perception. In other words, our mode of perception does not allow us to perceive the absence of a cause, just as our eye does not allow us to not perceive color.

    Randomness from the above point of view is the correlation of any action with something that is not its cause. In other words, if one action is not causally related to another action, then with respect to the second action, the first one is random, i.e. it could have happened without this second action. But even this supposedly accidental action is still necessary in relation to the causes that necessarily led to this action as a consequence. Randomness seems to be something for which we can not reliably indicate the reason. However, the inability to specify a reason does not mean that there is no such reason.

    Schopenhauer, developing Kant's philosophy, believed that substance is causality itself. Substance is, so to speak, an inversion of the mind. Reason is a way of perceiving causality.

  2. Necessity and randomness are concepts.

    There are no concepts in nature. In nature, there is being, that is, the existence of everything without any characteristics. Concepts arise within the framework of human interaction with the external material world.

    Human mental activity is an approximate research process. Its task is to adapt a person to life in a specific environment. To do this, the human psyche, speaking in an anthropomorphic language, studies this environment and expresses the results in assessments.

    Necessity and randomness are evaluative concepts of the psyche.

    When studying the regularities of a process, she encounters something that, in her opinion, does not fit into the logic of the regularities of the process she is studying. The psyche evaluates this something as random, that is, not related to the main process, but necessary evaluates as a component part of this process, which means that it develops according to the same laws.

    Randomness is a manifested pattern of another relatively independent process, or a pattern of another system-structural level.

    A true researcher should not ignore anything random.

    For him, randomness should be a signal about the existence of another process. Through the study of randomness, discoveries are made.

    The concept of “Necessity” in ethics is interpreted in the same way. As an act performed within the logic of those natural processes in which a person is involved.

    The doctrine of the world order called Marxism treats the concept of “Freedom” as a conscious necessity, meaning the same thing – activity in general and individual actions of a person, as fitting into the laws of the system of connections in which a person is included.

  3. Necessity and randomness are two categories that are linked by the Link of Predestination.

    One Part of this Connection cannot arise and take place if the Other does not exist.

    For example, in order for any Randomness to occur at all, it is necessary that the Appropriate Conditions for the occurrence of this Randomness arise.

    To do this, you need to define



    a) THE NECESSITY for the existence of AN INANIMATE

    COMPONENT : The presence of Natural objects, Objects and objects created by people

    b) THE LIVING COMPONENT – the presence of certain people and communities who want or do not want any RANDOMNESS to occur at all.

    The quality of Thoughts and the possibility of Implementing Certain Thoughts are determined by those people who will be able to create exactly the Conditions under which this RANDOMNESS CAN OCCUR AT ALL.



    RANDOMNESS is the ENERGY OF TENSE SPACE, because all the COMPONENTS OF NECESSITY, correlating with each other in a COMMON SPACE, create a certain ENERGY FIELD with ALL THEIR COMPONENTS, in which the LARGEST CLOT of ENERGY appears in a Certain Coordinate, which transmits its Powerful Energy Impulse to all this Created Space.

    And the ONE who or something could not contain This Portion of the Energy of Space is destroyed.

    It is the quality of readiness of all the Components of this NECESSITY that creates THIS CASE of DESTRUCTION, when someone was ready or not ready at that very Moment, and the Action of Energy has already started.

    THE OCCURRENCE OF RANDOMNESS CAN be PREDICTED and create CERTAIN NECESSARY CONDITIONS so that this RANDOMNESS is created and then quickly catch THIS RANDOMNESS without delay (catching Luck by the tail is called,).

    But often people, due to their health, lack of life experience and knowledge, cannot create the Necessary Conditions for the emergence of a Happy Accident for them.

    Therefore, many people's lives are at risk, fraught with difficulties and filled with the fear of not coping with frequent life conditions and circumstances beyond their control.

    And the inability to transform the Energy of their Thoughts in order to translate them into their own life, makes these people uncomplaining executors of other people's Thoughts.

    The eternal Movement of the Cosmos, the Earth's Elements, the Changing Seasons, the Energy of Constantly Developing Universal Knowledge, leading to changes in Natural and Social Conditions are BEYOND the CONTROL of MAN.

    And so all THESE DRIVING FORCES, as a result of their Actions, appear in the form of UNPREDICTABLE, therefore UNEXPECTED-RANDOM EFFECTS for the person himself.

    And therefore, a person constantly FACES the NEED to constantly strain and react in a certain way to the tasks and problems that arise in front of him.

    The NEED FOR Human SURVIVAL is whether it can create the Energy of such Thoughts that can be realized in real life, that is, the Energy of a person's Thoughts must be transmitted to other people through the Senses. A person's thought must be approved by other people in order to work together.

    And here Chance determines a person's success.

    To create Effective Thoughts, a person must acquire practical skills and acquire knowledge with practical application.

  4. Hello Bybnovy. “Necessity” and”randomness” can only be related if the initial and final circumstances are certain. On the philosophical side, necessity is the need for something by someone, for example, a philosopher who represents inspiration, or rationality, reasonability, or a poor person in need of food.With random necessity, you can list an infinite number of possible options for determining the random initial and final necessities of a philosopher and a poor person.

  5. The words “necessity” and” chance ” describe the personal attitude to the observed events. If we can trace their causal line, we say that they occurred out of necessity, naturally; if we cannot see the causal connection, events receive from us a qualitative definition of randomness, thereby we only recognize our inability, weakness at the moment.

  6. These are different concepts. Randomness and necessity can be combined, but they don't have to be. Both concepts describe relationships between events. Events that have occurred or that may occur.

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