3 Answers

  1. And what can we call “religious thinking”? Thinking is a general psychological construct, it is the ability to process information and understand the hidden connections of phenomena. Everything that we can see there is true for all people, both believers and non-believers. the question of filling in.

    In the field of cognitive research (cognition research) A number of experiments were conducted to show the relationship between cognitive (cognitive) style and religiosity. So, there was a wave of interest in cognitive closeness and its connection with dogmatic religiosity. Cognitive closeness was associated with dogmatism, but also with political right-wing views and a conservative value system. �

    And when cognitive styles were used in comparative studies of believers and atheists, it turned out that among atheists there are people who also “dogmatically” believe in their atheism.
    For example, a recent study by Brittany Page & Douglas J. Navarick found that atheists are even more adamant and uncompromising in denying God than believers in affirming it.

    So, it would be more correct to say: the thinking of atheists and believers develops according to the same laws, the question of the content of judgments from which conclusions are drawn.

  2. Religiosity is usually understood as a worldview in which the creation and management of the world is the function of a single Creator, and with this Creator a person can, and even should, establish a certain connection. That is, a religious person is a person who believes in God.

    In fact, this concept is broader. Religiosity (from the Latin “to bind”) is a worldview in which a person perceives everything that exists as a single whole (“connected”), subject to general laws and principles of development. The presence of the figure of the Creator in such a worldview is not necessary, although it is possible.

    Therefore, for example, followers of religions that do not have the figure of the Creator (Buddhists, Taoists, etc.) are atheists from the point of view of the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism), but they are absolutely religious people. Most scientists can also be called deeply religious people, since strategically all science is aimed at identifying common patterns in the universe.

  3. I think that religion is in the nature of man. Therefore, even its conscious denial (atheism) is quasi-religious in nature.

    Thus, the largest atheistic philosophy, materialism, simply transfers the divine properties to an abstract category (idea) Of matter: it is ubiquitous, original, and so on.

    In practical life, while denying absolute existence in general and absolute values in particular, the atheist still inevitably focuses on some ideal (absolute) ideas about good and evil.

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