2 Answers

  1. Well, if you are so literally following the fox's admonition from Saint-Exupery, then you need to somehow attach retired women.

    If the funds allow – according to the Totsky scheme in relation to Nastasya Filippovna. If not-well, at least say something like “You know, I realized that I was not worthy to be in your destiny: I see that my presence can only break it, prevent you from meeting the person with whom you can be truly happy. I'm taking a piece of my heart out, but I'm only doing it for your well-being in the future.”

    Since we are talking about your feelings, and not about the feelings of a girl, the difficulty is not so much that she believes it, but that you yourself believe it…)

  2. Oh, there are plenty of options for you…

    You can just tell the girls that you're ashamed and ask them how you can fix it.

    You can warn the girls you meet again that you will find better ones in the future and forget about them. Then you'll have nothing to be ashamed of.

    You can also accept yourself as you are and say to yourself: “well, this is the kind of person I am, I can't stop at one girl, I'm constantly looking for a better one, I can't help myself, I'm sorry for the girls, but they are stupid and naive, they are to blame. And in general, it is better for them to choose a partner more carefully in the future.”

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