One Answer

  1. Hi!

    The question is extremely complex. The fact is that the origin of the classical school of philosophy is associated with the name of Socrates, but there were other scientists before him. They are called pre-socratics.

    There were several well-known pre-Socratic schools (in chronological order) – Milesian, Eleatic, Pythagorean, and Democritic.

    In philosophy, there is a concept of “seven wise men”, who are the founders of all science in general. Their composition varies from source to source, but it always includes Thales of Miletus, Solon of Athens, Biathus of Priene, and Pittacus of Mytilene. Moreover, most sources call the former the “father of philosophy”.

    Thus, it is most likely possible to call Thales of Miletus the founder of all science. He studied astronomy, geometry (the famous Thales ' theorem), and the physics of being.

    It is important to note that Greece was not the only region where science was rapidly developing, and two other countries can potentially capture the flag of the championship-China and India.

    At least no later than Thales, judging by the years of his life known to us, there was such a philosopher as Shi Bo in China, as well as Tsai Mo.

    In India, in turn, there is a whole philosophical period, which is called Vedic, which was, judging by the years, long before the birth of classical Greek philosophy. However, the names of the philosophers who composed the Vedas, to my great regret, are unknown to me.

    In order to learn more without breaking your head, I recommend reading the book “History of Philosophy” edited by Vasiliev and Krotov. Extremely good work that allows you to fill in the gaps in the knowledge of this science.

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