One Answer

  1. Parmenides ' teaching about being is, in our modern understanding, not so much intellectual as spiritual awareness. The essence of Parmenides ' doctrine of being is expressed as follows:: Our consciousness in everything tends not to the morality of Truth, that is, Truth, but to the simplicity of Truth, even despite the threats of vulgarization of morality in modeling the perception of true reality.�

    Then you can divide the essence into phrasal points of a single concept:

    1. According to the teaching of Parmenides, that which Is-exists only that which is of the divine and in which the divine is present, and is not-does not exist and does not exist – that in which there is no divine presence.
    2. The mutability of all that exists, of all finite things, their birth and death, is meaningless to consciousness if it forgets the truth-the non-existence of non-existence. After all, conjectures about non-existence were created by people who were used to using their reason, which they had left after the spirit left the immoral and rationalized consciousness.�
    3. There is only what exists. And what does not exist, then either cannot exist or should not exist, an existence that does not exist, but which “consciousness” would now like to have, would not be for its moral benefit, but would bring it moral harm. Therefore, if “consciousness” wants something to exist, it must first ask itself the moral question: Why does it need this existence, and how will it improve its moral state? And if consciousness finds a positive moral answer to this question, then this new existence will be revealed to it in its former existence. For his being is not being in itself or being with itself.

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