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A good answer can be found in the article on Cain and Abel. It says it wasn't a question of what kind of victims there were. God accepted Abel's gift because he brought the best that he had. And Cain gave away what he didn't need. It could be green, tasteless vegetables or fruits, for example, empty ears of corn. This means that Cain did not feel any gratitude towards God. All of his subsequent behavior shows how spiritless he was.
Genesis 4: 2-8 says:�
2. And she also bore his brother Abel. And Abel was a shepherd of sheep, and Cain was a husbandman. 3. Some time later, Cain brought a gift from the fruits of the earth to the Lord, 4. and Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat. And the Lord looked upon Abel and his gift, 5. but he did not look at Cain or his gift. Cain was greatly grieved, and his face fell. 6. And the Lord said to Cain, ” Why are you grieved?” and why does your face droop? 7. if you do a good deed, don't you raise your face? but if you do not do good, then sin lies at the door; it draws you to itself, but you rule over it. 8. And Cain said to Abel his brother. And while they were in the field, Cain rose up against his brother Abel and killed him.
Based on the interpretations here that it is important to note that Different in dignity, character, and especially the inland location (mood) brought, the victim's two brothers were accompanied by a completely different success the Lord has “looked” at the sacrifice of Abel, i.e., how to interpret it John Chrysostom, “was accepted, praised the intention crowned the location was, so to speak, satisfied with what is done..And in another place, the same famous interpreter says: “Since Abel brought with a proper disposition and from a sincere heart, it is said that God 'looked down', i.e., that Abel brought with a sincere heart.” E. accepted, approved, and praised… But he rejected the folly of Cain” (John Chrysostom).
The same lighting of this fact is given by the Apostle Paul (Heb.11:4), which says that Abel's sacrifice was better (πλέιονα), performing the sacrifices of Cain, T. E. is more consistent with the main idea of the victim, as was imbued with a living and active faith, under which, first and foremost faith in the promised Messiah. The sacrifice of Cain, on the other hand, carried within it a spirit of pride, vanity, arrogance, and outward ceremony, which created quite understandable obstacles to its success. Since, judging by the context, the varying success of these sacrifices became known to the sacrificers themselves, it is certain that the above-mentioned divine attitude towards them was expressed by Cain in an obvious, external sign. Based on the appropriate biblical analogies, it is believed that such a sign was either a heavenly fire rushing at the accepted sacrifice, or a high pillar ascending from it to the heavens (Lev.9:24; Sud.6:21; 1 Chronicles 21:26; 3 Samuel 18:38, etc.).
Or rather just the thought of the Hebrew text conveys a Latin translation, where “upset” is iratus – “angry“; it “became angry and his brother Junior, are preferred before him by God, and God himself, as if He struck him a grudge, he reveals the evidence of His grace not to him but to his brother” (Bessarion).It also means that his features, under the influence of envy and anger, acquired a sullen and gloomy expression. It was not sorrow, repentance, or heartfelt sorrow for sin that darkened Cain's face, but a spirit of restless envy and deep-seated enmity toward his God-chosen brother.