3 Answers

  1. If you explain it in simple words, then ontology is a way to find out the place of a word among other words, and epistemology studies how we recognize something in our perception and relate it to the word.

    An ontology about how to build a whole consistent tower of knowledge out of disparate cubes of ready-made knowledge. To live in it later.

    Epistemology is about what exactly and on what grounds can be called a brick of knowledge. Which of the bricks are strong enough to be used to build something.

    ps: I do not pretend to be strict in my definition, I admit that it can be given a D in the philosophy exam. However, this is a way for me to understand these words, and not to be a monkey hiding my own misunderstanding behind a pile of science-like impersonal and meaningless words.

  2. A very interesting point on my part is that the terms ” epistemology “and” ontology ” have only recently appeared. The term ontology was first mentioned in Modern times by a representative of Protestant neo-scholasticism, Goklenius, and then became more widely used in philosophical movements. It is worth noting that the centuries-old period of development of philosophy did not immediately reveal the truth of these two concepts. Ontology became an independent concept only in Modern times. Moreover, this is happening at a time when philosophical theories of previous eras are undergoing reconstructivization.

    For classical philosophy, for example, of the pre-Kantian period, the following features are characteristic in terms of the topic raised. First, ontology was only the doctrine of the existence of an extrahuman world, which was understood as independent of man. Usually, I say that ontology was a very ephemeral meaning, if we consider it from the point of view of a certain “anthropological philosophy” and I must say that this very concept gave rise to and formed knowledge and, as a consequence, the doctrine of knowledge – epistemology.

    Secondly, philosophical theory, as a hierarchically organized system in which each higher level theoretically justifies the lower one, ontology will occupy the highest level of this system and, according to the principle of dictatorship, will set the lowest level for the doctrine of man.

    I will say that the desire to create an ontology as a science about the world and about oneself ends with the construction of dogmatic teachings, which, as a rule, are equated with empty speculation. And here, it will not be superfluous to mention such a concept as existentialism, which, one might say, calls for closing the individual ” I ” in a generally binding teaching. In part, this causes a conflict in a broad philosophical outlook.

    It should also be added that ontology and epistemology itself are essential, basic, and factual parts of philosophy as a whole. Since it is with the help of these two components that the essence and nature of philosophical concepts is determined. It is also directly related to the question of the meaning of life, the place of man in the world, and so on.

  3. Ontology is a branch of philosophy, the science of being, what being is and what it means to “be”, “exist”, etc. Epistemology ( epistemology) is another branch of philosophy, the theory of knowledge, that is, the science of what it means to “know”, “know”, “understand”, etc. The essence of knowledge, accumulation of knowledge, verification of its reliability, etc.

    The object of ontology is something external, the world around us, so to speak, and the object of epistemology is something internal, our own method of knowing this surrounding world (well, and ourselves at the same time).

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