12 Answers

  1. If we understand information as the replacement of some objects or events by others (most often compressed copies of the former), which can lead to similar consequences in a similar environment, then yes, information can exist in inanimate nature.

  2. In my opinion, if physics is considered the king of objectivity, then information is not an objective concept. Even if we consider information processes in a living cell or organism, then from the point of view of physics, all these processes can be represented as just physical interactions and nothing more. We already give them an informational meaning. That is, information is an element of a certain language – cybernetic, biological, or social. But not physically.

    Geological processes or books without native speakers of the language in which they are written by themselves do not carry any information as long as the “heterogeneities” in them are not interpreted in some way and built into a system within the framework of a specially developed language for this purpose. From this point on, they become information. That is, it seems to me that the basis of information is coding, and not just the presence of any “inhomogeneities” in matter.

  3. There is a lot of information of this kind. Well, let's say we look at the Obyrva cross-section and analyze the geology. And we see. It used to be land, then sea. The ebb and flow were of a certain height. And then dry land again. And then a volcano erupted, which, judging by the composition of the dust, is somewhere in America. Etc. Information is recorded in inanimate nature without any human intervention. Easily.

  4. It seems to me that information can exist independently of the living world, but it can only manifest itself if there is an observer…no matter what kind of consciousness he has. For each observer, the information is different and depends on the point of view of the observer, his education and worldview , as well as on the degree of development of the observer's sensory organs.

  5. It is logical to assume that there is information about everything that surrounds us, whether it is living or non-living objects…the whole question is how to learn to read information…there is interaction between any objects, and therefore information exchange…

  6. No, information does not exist separately from its perception, its separate existence is simply the perception of the idea that the material world actually exists independently. Everything is a dream illusion, when it seems that there is-that you, and the external real world is felt, but then it turns out-everything happened in consciousness. And, to prove the existence of matter-without the existence of consciousness-is not possible, since the proof must be perceived by someone…

  7. It all depends on the system and properties that can have informational values in this selected system. For other systems, such information may not exist or have different values transmitted by the same media properties. It doesn't matter if it's a live system or a computer. Another example is with physical objects that are themselves carriers of their properties, which means that information about them can be obtained, processed, transmitted, and destroyed. If we understand information as a signal transmitted through interaction and changing the state of the receiving system, then even two stones will exchange information.

  8. Do non-living objects exist?

    At the level of simplified everyday speech, a very rough division of live and inanimate is convenient. But for scientific purposes, such a rough division is very unscientific and creates unnecessary dead-end difficulties.

    Specifically, any human being is made up of atoms and molecules that are either alive (a new scientific effective hypothesis) or inanimate (an old scientific hypothesis that creates colossal unnecessary dead ends).

    Justification of the hypothesis “all objects are alive to some extent/degree” – to do this, apply the well-known principle “any quality varies from 0% to 100%” – to the quality of “alive” and we get that all elementary particles are alive to some minimum measure/degree, because otherwise dead ends arise –

    1) how can a living thing consist of inanimate atoms and molecules ?,

    2) how did living matter arise from dead matter, in an impossible leap? ,

    3) the evolution of matter is basically impossible/unnatural/implausible for dead matter.

  9. Everything is a “living world”, there is no non-spiritualized matter. By living, we must understand the essence, the spiritualization that led to the formation of the form . Also, the ability to interact in any way already indicates the spiritualization of the subject at one level or another.

    On the example of a mineral, you can understand that it is spiritualized, because the molecules and atoms that add it up, interacting with each other, gave it shape. And secondly, the mineral, as a Whole in its present form (the nature of the mineral) has its own radiation, i.e. interacts with other objects of Nature, so it is alive.

    If we consider the “living world” from the point of view of spirituality, i.e. its hidden, non-obvious essence, then there can be no information independent of the living world. There may be information that is ignored by one or another type, level of the “living world”.

  10. There are three under-defined concepts in the question: information, living objects, and existence. In the usual everyday sense, information is information. But what information can there be if no one understands it? And does anything exist at all if this “something” does not interact in any way with the person for whom it matters? You can imagine our universe, outside of which there is something. This something will never, under any circumstances, interact with us and we will never receive any information from outside of it. The question is, ” Does this SOMETHING exist then?” Here, EXISTENCE and NON-EXISTENCE are equivalent. Because we feel the same way. You can look at the great NOTHINGNESS in a different way. Not as a boring void, but as an infinite potential of possibilities that has everything. So the answer to the question about information can be varied. It's a completely different matter if we are talking about an apple that is lying on my table. If I look away, the apple continues to exist even if I can't see it. Why am I so sure it exists? Yes, a habit. No matter how many times I turned away, it still didn't go away 🙂

  11. live – not live is a dual pair ( not a broken ligament :one without the other doesn't make sense or just doesn't exist) there is also such a concept (just couldn't express it in another way:, couldn't find words to convey the meaning ) “Eternal Life.” in my opinion ,this may resemble a superposition ,and this is already beyond dualism: life -death, living-not living., beginning-end, etc.

  12. First of all, there is such a concept: physical information
    It refers to the inanimate
    However, in my opinion, it is incorrect to consider information in isolation from information processing systems, but not necessarily live ones
    I adhere to the theory of information developed by Marxist philosophers (I. B. Novik, B. S. Ukraintsev): information is a special case of a more general property of matter – reflection
    Reflection is something like the ability of some objects to retain “traces” from interaction with other objects, “traces” that indicate the properties of the object that left them. There is nothing mystical about the reflection property, it is the result of physical processes. For example, the same momentum that body A acquires when it collides with another body B reflects the properties of body B (mass, velocity).
    Information differs from reflection in general in that the information is associated with an information processing system. In other words, if objects of the real or imaginary world are reflected in the properties of some physical medium, this is not yet information. We need a system that can copy and transfer this reflection to other media, and create new information. For example, when a computer calculates a hypothesis (new information) using two legs (input information)
    From this point of view, the answer to your question is as follows.
    Non-living objects can reflect each other's properties. These reflections will become information only when there is a system for processing this reflection/information. But this system doesn't have to be live

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