One Answer

  1. The conduct of behavioral wars by the United States with its adversaries, through external and internal behavioral interventions, makes these wars not only possible, but also super effective in terms of influencing and controlling people and societies, for a reason that lies in the person himself. Since a person in itself is a kind of information system that depends entirely on the word and is controlled only by the word, which causes reflexively automatic reactions, certain actions and experiences in him.

    A word for a person and from a person, in whatever context it comes from, is never true. It is not an unbreakable reality in a person that cannot be changed in any way. On the contrary, people are controlled precisely by the word, and, moreover, being completely unconscious to this process.

    Every human being lives out of ignorance and unconsciousness of himself, which creates lies and delusions in him. And along with this, an inner lack of self-confidence in the truth of their intentions. However, the power of speech is the only thing that a person has in his cash for making certain decisions. The Word feeds and sustains him as an entity, as a human being. And therefore, it is the word that determines the behavior of any person, which made it possible to build behavioral models of managing them in the herd.

    We live among the blind, who lead the blind by the word of man, in any case, even if you repeat after God what He said. Therefore, a person on his way constantly falls into a ditch, again and again, breaking his mystical nose, but often to the point of real blood.

    It is known that in order to conduct behavioral wars more effectively, a new term “narrative-driven operations”was recently introduced in the United States. In other words, using different information contexts, you can construct the right type of reality, pushing individual or mass consciousness to the right choice. This design has a lot of experience.

    The philosophy of pushing actions is based on automatic and reflective systems of human perception of information. That is, when we do something without much thought: we hear hostility in our voice, drive on an empty road, and understand simple sentences. Therefore, the task of “architects of choice” is to bring the right decision under automatism.

    At the same time, the importance of the information component is emphasized. Namely, the speed with which information is distributed globally through a variety of media increases the speed, speed and degree of interaction of people. Sharing information through the Internet and social media enhances and accelerates the interaction of people, governments, militaries, and threats.

    Access to information allows organizations to mobilize people locally, regionally, and globally. Disinformation and propaganda generate violence in support of political goals. Compressing events over time requires forces that can respond quickly enough to seize the initiative, control the narrative, and enforce order.

    This is confirmed by all the velvet and color revolutions, which are based on a trigger event that takes protest to a completely different level. In Czechoslovakia, for example, in 1989, the murder of student Schmidt during the crackdown on anti-government protests raised the protests to a higher level, causing the government to fall. However, as it turned out later, student Schmidt was not killed, and there was no student Schmidt at all, but an employee of the special services.

    The violent crackdown on a peaceful student demonstration on Kiev's Maidan in 2013 led to a growing protest movement, which, after another trigger event – the shooting of protesters – led to the fall of the Yanukovich regime.

    If we take the British military's suggestion that soft power is not just about communication, then we can also look at Gorbachev's perestroika from this angle: it can also be seen as a giant social experiment to transfer millions to a new type of behavior and a new model of the world.

    As another example, we can cite the transformation of the hero of Soviet cinema in the 60-70s and later, then we will see that in a surprising way he moves away from the role of part of the collective to an independent existence [see and Researchers also see the same” tossing ” between individual and collective accents in Soviet fashion [ That is, again, there is a transfer of behavior models due to the competition of two behaviors, one of which is “given” to a more sympathetic movie character.

    Wars will continue until the war between the divine and the diabolical elements in man ceases. Until a person realizes that the only enemy for him is himself, since a person is only the first step on the Path to God, on which he remains in the service of the devil in himself.

    To begin serving God, one must pass the initiation of the Fire of Awareness, accepting the Master's Teaching, the Declaration of a New Person not with a dead mind, but with a living heart. The result of such an initiation is always to follow the Practice of Self-awareness, which is not present in the mind, when you, as a person, as a mind, disappear, dissolving into nothingness. The cup from the person becomes empty.

    Through this void, God is resurrected by you.

    And what is important here is not something common in us, one for all, whether it is language, culture, faith, tolerance, on the contrary, something unique, special, not a substitute and unique in us, who you are, as a gateway to God.

    So they say that everyone has their own Path. Your own, when you are in God, not in the mind, not in the service of the devil, in which today is all tolerant of man, the devil in the flesh (mind), humanity.

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