4 Answers

  1. Text information is a conditional code (letters, syllables, words), deciphering which the brain forms meaningful images (images).

    Visual information is symbols that activate human behavioral and thought patterns in the brain.

    Examples: When reading a book or article, you see (or imagine) the mentioned people and scenery. Entering the office and seeing the portrait of the leader on the wall, you shrink and make a “Ku”. Seeing a bright juicy orange in an ad, you believe that the “orange shampoo” offered to you is worth buying. Etc.

    Since visual information has a powerful impact on a person, precisely because of its subthreshold effect, it must be constantly interpreted in the mind into text – that is, think in words, rationalize, criticize. For the brain, this is more difficult work than forming and perceiving images. Therefore, without the ability to read, write and think, a person can live without reacting to visual images.

  2. Well, first of all, we have two hemispheres, the first is responsible for creative thinking, the left is responsible for logic and analysis, respectively, if you develop the hemispheres , then the perception of information will be better in any way.�

    But, in our time of super technologies and mass media advertising, we suffer from clip thinking, which allows us to switch from one object to another and work in multitasking mode, but unfortunately this distracts attention and does not allow us to fully concentrate on important subjects. This is why we often remember images and quick texts, but unfortunately we lose complex voluminous information from our memory

  3. eyes, ears, intelligence – all these are the doors through which this or that information gets into our souls and somehow affects them, directs, forms, nourishes and so on. It is difficult for me to say what is the fundamental difference between the presentation through reading (intelligence) from feeding through the eyes. Perhaps the difference is that visual information provides ready-made images, while reading makes a person engage in the process of representation, turn on the imagination, and so on. There may also be a difference in the speed of exposure. That is why reading is not so popular, especially today – it is easier to take a ready-made concentrate, which will quickly and immediately fill the spiritual void, satisfy inner hunger, and so on. Bread and circuses are not such an intricate way for the crowd to spend their lives. Here you do not need to think about the text, strain your thinking, etc.Although it should be added that even through texts it is not difficult to introduce madness into a person's worldview, here it is obvious who is more predisposed to what.

  4. First, I would move movies from the second group to the first, because the main part of most films is made up of plots, i.e. text, in fact, information, not to mention directly about the dialogues.

    Yes, cinema is a synthetic art (a synthesis of different types of art – sound, visual, and semantic). But it is much closer to literature.

    The difference between words and images or sounds is that they are able to carry much more complex information, both in quantity and quality.

    When listening to music, we may not be able to accurately distinguish some degree of emotional coloring (fun/sad) and “aggressiveness” (pressure/calm).

    Looking at a picture or photo, we can assume the plot that the author had in mind (if he had), and some emotional aspects expressed in the palette and composition.

    But words say so much more. They describe the thoughts and actions that we try to measure against our own. They explain to us the author's motives and point of view.

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