9 Answers

  1. This is a very important question. – Recently, a philosophical guide to unique ideas and concepts of different cultures and peoples was published; it shows the corresponding terms on the cover in their source languages: Greek, Chinese, Hebrew, Sanskrit, etc.In Russian, the word “truth“is written there.

    Note that there are no problems with the truth: 2×2=4, etc. And the truth in our language has merged, mixed with the truth at the expense of Church Slavonic, where it serves as a translation of the key Greek word δῐκαιοσύνη, which means both justice, justice, and correctness, righteousness, virtue.

  2. The shortest and simplest answer is that In the process of learning based on imperfect sensory perception, we constantly change our ideas about the truth. Therefore, none of these representations is true. The truth is that the truth is not the truth at the moment that we know about it now or will know about it in the future. This is the difference between truth and truth)

  3. This is roughly how they differ. Everyone sees only one shadow. He sees it with his own eyes and believes it to be true.

    And yet the truth is in the complexity of the original figure

  4. Truth is expressed in the comprehensive completeness of its definitions. The truth is a reflection of the truth, and can represent at least one of its definitions.

  5. Everyone has their own truth,and often one person's truth may contradict someone else's truth.The truth is the absolute truth, the truth of God.Christ about himself – “I am the Truth” from the gospel.Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth-from one of the most commonly used prayers in Orthodoxy – ” O Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of Truth….

  6. In English, if you enter “True” in the translator, it will return true, true. That is, no difference.

    In Russian there is. Other answers have written about this difference, but I would say this: The truth is what is learned, and the truth is what is reported.

    For example, someone told you something.

    First question: is he lying or telling the truth?

    If the truth is true, then not the fact that it was so, but the way he perceived it, let's recall the expression “Lies like an eyewitness”.

    The second question is to find out how it really is, and this will become for you the truth, i.e. knowledge.

    Example, you were told that 5 * 6 is the same as 5 times 6 or 6 times 5.

    If you believe, it means that you told the truth, and if you check, it means to find out.

  7. We are all different, we see, feel, and relate differently. Therefore, each person has their own truth. Yes, the truth is subjective because we perceive it not only through our eyes or feelings, but also through our attitude to it. For example, the same person may be respected by one and despised by another, considered a model of beauty by one and considered vulgar and vulgar by the other. When learning about the world, we are interested in one thing, but we may not notice the other at all, because everyone has their own worldview, their own goals and values. That is why mutual understanding is so difficult. Truth is the world we live in. You can argue whether it is real or an illusion, but this is only our attitude to it.

  8. The truth is always the same, and the truth can be different. The variation of the truth depends on the angle of study of the object, phenomenon, and so on. I will give you a well-known, banal example:

    Let's say we have a vertical cylinder, if you look at it from above, you will see a circle, and if you look from the side , you will see a rectangle. Both will be true, but not true, because the truth is that you have been looking at the cylinder all this time.

  9. Pravda is always used and means an assessment of events,

    which are linked to time. Example. Is it true that

    Matryona is going to get married? Matryona indeed

    going to. So it's true. I changed my mind a week later.

    After 2 weeks, the truth becomes a lie. With the truth

    you can't do that trick. The truth always waits for the truth

    don't settle down.

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2 Answers

  1. Everyone has their own truth, but the general truth is true. The truth may or may not be the same as the truth. For example a colorblind person and a person with normal vision will have different truths about the color of certain objects

  2. Let's assume that none of the previous answers to this question on TheQuestion satisfied you.�

    For example, I can say that the Earth is flat. If I believe that, then it's true for me. For those who have seen the Earth from space, this will not be true, because they have objective information through visual observation (information that can be confirmed [and cannot be refuted] is the truth).

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