15 Answers

  1. Indeed, in the Holy Scriptures we find the statement that Jesus Christ redeemed or redeemed people to God (1 Corinthians 6: 20; 7: 23; Galatians 3:13; Rev 5: 9). Despite the ambiguity of the wording, let's try to figure out what this means.

    According to the Holy Scriptures, before the death of Jesus Christ, all people who died on Earth went to hell. Even the Old Testament prophets and righteous men did not attain salvation or eternal life (Hebrews 11: 39-40). It turns out that all the prescriptions of the Old Testament law could not save a person from sin, but only kept Israel from dissolving into the midst of nations that did not know the true God. This is how God prepared the environment for the birth of His Son on Earth.

    When Jesus Christ came to Earth, He created a new reality that opened the way to eternal life for everyone. To do this, Jesus had to suffer and be killed. This is how Jesus Himself puts it:

    But I tell you the truth, it is better for you that I go; for if I do not go, the Comforter will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you. (John 16: 7)

    That is, the result of the death and resurrection of the Son of God was the descent of the Holy Spirit, first on the apostles, and then on all believers and those who are baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Thus, God Himself begins to direct the course of the believer's life and gradually leads him to salvation and eternal life. The believer only has to take care to retain the gift of the Holy Spirit, strengthening himself in the Sacraments established by the Church. This is why the Apostle Paul speaks in his epistle to those who believe:

    Do you not know that your bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit who dwells in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a high price. Therefore glorify God in your bodies and in your souls, which are God's. (1 Corinthians 6: 19-20)

    And the Apostle Peter writes to the Christians:

    Spend the time of your journey with fear, knowing that you have not been redeemed with corruptible silver or gold you are from a vain life, devoted to you from your fathers, but precious Blood Christ as the immaculate and pure Lamb. (1 Peter 1: 17-19)

    Only in this context, in my opinion, can the words ransom or atonement be understood in relation to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. A very high price was paid for our rescue, but it is up to us whether we use this opportunity or not.

    From all that has been said, it is clear that Jesus Christ does not promise any automatic salvation of all people from sin; on the contrary, He says:

    Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned (Mark 16:16).

  2. Why did the Lord incarnate on earth? To fulfill the law of eternal life. The law is given through Moses. But in the Jewish Church, the religious law became a mere formality, it had no real life. For life is good, love. All human actions that are basically devoid of good are dead. “Now grace and truth came into being through Jesus Christ.” (John 1: 17)
    The Lord, as Jehovah incarnate “He who is, who is) came to fulfill the law given to Moses, filling it with life.” The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth,”says John(Jn 1:14).
    The Lord, who knew the inner nature of all people, saw the true essence of each person. (“for he knew all men, and had no need that any should bear witness of man, for he himself knew what was in man” Jn 2: 25). And, not wishing to subject man to violence on his part (for love is a mutual feeling), He had to give an example of true love for mankind.
    People who do not believe in the resurrection to eternal life are not afraid to do evil. So that they can finally believe that the main judgment will be performed on them not by a corrupt judge here on earth, but by a true Justice in eternity. For unbelief begets sin.
    When Jesus had made a whip of ropes and driven out the merchants of their Temple, the Jews asked Him, ” By what sign will You prove to us that You have authority to do these things?” From their point of view, He had to prove His Divine origin in some superhuman way. Otherwise, the Jews would not have accepted His words. “Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and I will raise it up in three days. He spoke of the temple of His body.”John 2: 18-21. But when he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said these things, and they believed the Scripture and the word that Jesus had spoken. 2:22
    The Jews did not fulfill the commandments that Moses received from God, were not merciful, and did not believe in the resurrection of eternal life.
    It means that God was pleased to come to earth, fulfill the law in its entirety, and instill love as the highest virtue in the performance of any work. The law is good, but love is above the law. She and only she introduces a person to the Sky.
    After the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the Jewish Church in its Old Testament form died. In its place, a New Church of Love emerged, with the risen Lord as its prophet. By this act, He gave humanity the hope that by doing things in the name of Love, we would become sons of Heaven.
    As some theologians write, the suffering on the cross was an extreme temptation that the Lord, as the greatest of the prophets, withstood. But, he had two more ministries : priestly and royal. As a King, the Lord conquered hell. The atonement could not be accomplished otherwise than by the incarnation of God, that is, by becoming a man. Since Jehovah God, as He is in His infinite essence, could not approach hell, much less enter it, since He exists in the purest. Or Holy. As a Melchizedek priest, the Lord created a New church by becoming human, so that we could be available to one another to help or resist. Christ showed us the way. The choice is ours.

  3. Many people try to think of redemption as an abstraction, a philosophy, like a mind game. In fact, there is no philosophy here, it is the reality of our being. Because this reality is spiritual and not material, it does not cease to be a reality. All the problems of not understanding this reality are related to the incomprehensible people themselves, in much the same way that a person with green glasses is unable to see red.

    So, everything is really very simple. There are objective laws in the world, the implementation of which does not depend on people, and that is why they are objective. These are not only physical laws, but also spiritual laws. One of the most basic of these laws is the law of justice, “what a man sows, he will also reap.” By the way, this is generally a universal law – whoever sows potatoes will reap potatoes, not watermelon. Whoever sows evil will also reap evil, in other words, any evil will necessarily be punished. How is it punished? It is punished by eternal excommunication from the Creator as the Source of life, since the Creator is absolutely Holy and even the smallest evil cannot be near Him, otherwise He is not holy. But since all good comes directly or indirectly from the Creator, the excommunicated person is forever deprived of absolutely any good, with all its consequences.

    However, the holiness of God is manifested not only in the absolute rejection of any evil, but also in Love as the highest realization of good, in Love for any and every person.

    There is a contradiction: on the one hand, the Love of God wants to bring a person closer to Itself as an object of Its love, and on the other hand, the holiness of God requires that a person be rejected as a bearer of evil, and the law of justice must be fulfilled. And God ingeniously solves this contradiction! He takes the retribution for evil on Himself! This is exactly what the Gospel (translated from Greek – the Good News) is all about. Why is this taking of the retribution of Christ (i.e., God) upon Himself an act of atonement? Because Christ has no sins of his own. The one who has nothing to punish is punished, a blatant violation of the law of justice! But the law is also the law that it CANNOT be violated in principle. The only way in which Christ is punished and justice is not violated is that He is not punished for Himself. And for whom? For the one whose representative He is, and He is the representative of all mankind. This shows both justice and love for each individual person. This is redemption.

    So, if justice has already been shown, that is, the punishment has already been incurred, then the second time for exactly the same sins, the punishment is not imposed, this is absurd, again, a violation of the law of justice, which cannot be violated.

    Well, now no one will be punished? No, those who do not believe in this atonement will be punished. Not in the sense of “a stick on the head for not believing”, this is an ignorant primitive, but in the sense of a natural consequence of one from the other. For example, you feel guilty in front of another person, you are tormented by conscience, he says that he forgives you, but you don't believe it. What will follow from this disbelief? Your conscience will continue to torment you. That person does not hit you on the head for unbelief, you have condemned yourself to the torment of conscience by your unbelief. In exactly the same way, a person who does not believe in the redemptive meaning of Christ's death condemns himself to eternal torment.

  4. The question is not asked from the Orthodox view and teaching, and understanding of the essence of the sacrifice of Christ. And the name is rather from the Catholic… And maybe even other confessions, because Christ did not atone for all human sins…. Something else happened.

    If you are curious about what Orthodoxy and the Holy Fathers say about this then I advise you to take a look
    A. I. Osipov's answer https://youtu.be/cP8tC-plVOY Besides, what is the essence of Christ's sacrifice?

    It is in Catholicism that Christ redeemed, and in Orthodoxy that he HEALED, and in his own body that he died ….. Let's listen to those who are interested.

  5. Romans 3/23 — 26 -,” for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, but by the grace of God,are declared righteous, through deliverance by the ransom paid by Christ,,and 5/6-12,17-21-.. Christ, at the appointed time, died for ungodly people. God has shown us his love by the fact that Christ died for us,, And therefore,as through one man, sin entered the world, and through sin, death, and so death passed on to all men, therefore, all sinned… and 8/1-3 -,, God,on account of sin, sent his Son, in the likeness of sinful flesh, and so condemned sin in the flesh,,.. Because we are human beings, sinful, Jesus became like us, in the flesh, and God so condemned the sins of men

  6. the simple answer is that in no way , these are the inventions of Christians engaged in idolatry.

    The laws of the Torah (the Pentateuch ) are given only to the chosen Jewish people, and most of them do not concern anyone but Jews. For all other nations, there are 7 commandments of the sons of Noah (you can read here https://toldot.ru/bneinoach.html) which are also found in the Torah.

    G-d has repeatedly told the Jews through the Prophets , and this is also true for any non-Jew (7 commandments), for example

    The Book of Yehezkel ch. 33

    10 And you, son of man, speak to the house of Israel: That's what you said when you said: “Truly our transgressions and our sins are upon us, and in them we rot.

    11 So how can we live?” Say to them, “As I live,” the word of the Lord God. Do I want the wicked to die? Only the return of the wicked from his way. And he will live! Turn back, turn back from your evil ways – and why should you die, O house of Israel?

    14 But when I say to the wicked, “You will surely die.” – and he will repent of his sin and act according to the law and justice.”:

    16 All his sins that he has sinned will not be remembered to him; he acts according to the law and justice – to live, to live!

    There are Words of G-d that you need to repent and correct yourself in the Torah.

    No intermediaries – directly to G-d.

    And here Christians with their clerical bureaucracy – “sacraments” invented by them, priests who called themselves “priests” and called themselves impostors, then the Greek-Evangelical Jesus elevated by the Christian assembly at the 1st Ecumenical Council to “God”,

    countless horde of dead called “saints”, rites, icons, etc. etc. and this is not the whole chain of intermediaries .. imagine, from the simplicity of communicating with G-d in the Torah and plunge into Christian demagogy.

    I put it briefly, but it is better to read carefully the Tanakh (Torah, Prophets, Scripture) in direct translation from Hebrew here https://toldot.ru/limud/library/ you will not find anywhere that G-d abrogated the commandments given in the Torah, nowhere does it say about any crucified person and that to be saved from sins you need to drink the blood of this crucified person, this is pure idolatry

  7. Quite a difficult question! But it should be assumed that, understanding a person from outside, a simple form comes out.It turns out that with all his possessions,a person is capable of only one real action…namely Repetition! And nothing more.In this regard, you should understand the simple form…for a person to do the right thing, you need a pioneer.But since the path of salvation is very intriguing,and extremely subtle, then it should be shown to the most experienced.This is what Christ did.And since this world is short, evil, unwashed, and dangerous…. then showing off everything in the smallest details,Christ took (revealed, showed how!) The sin of the world .Finally opening the door to life for the blind.Which the man had misplaced and lived blind.agree to cut through the fire of eternity, opening the veil…it's worth a lot,the most expensive.The sin of the world is defeated,the way is open .It should be so obvious.

  8. By the time of Christ, the world had reached the point where everything had to collapse, i.e. fall into an immoral abyss, and with the fall of morals, it is not far from physical extinction (degradation). Many of the best minds of antiquity felt this (Virgil, for example, spoke of the Savior). In high society, they came to understand that life was meaningless and happily committed suicide, it was a fashion and a sign of good taste. The Stoics tried to live a moral life, but they didn't understand why.

    If we share the belief of Christians that the historical Jesus Christ was (and is) God, then, as He himself said, His reason for coming was to SAVE the human race. No one but God was capable of this (as Virgil says). And because people love darkness more than Light, Christ had to ascend the cross, i.e., on the one hand, the Cross is people's hatred of God and everything connected with It, on the other hand, the Cross is a testimony of God's love, which does not stop even before death. The whole paradox is in love, in freedom, which the Lord does not take away even from sinners. Now the question itself is “how, etc.”. For sin in the Bible, death is supposed, in the Old Testament specifically and physically according to the Law, i.e. it was a prototype of the metaphysical death of the so-called “eternal”, stoned. The degradation of society reached the limit, it had to die (wars, diseases, natural disasters, etc. it does not matter). So that this does not happen, but “it would be better”, God comes, once again speaks about the Truth and life in Him, and dies, not understood by anyone. But in this terrible death, man seemed to tempt God, saying ,” what are You saying there, it is not clear, prove it.” He proved it! And after the resurrection, a new people began – Christians who brought New Life to the sick world, sharing God with others. The death and resurrection of Christ is an injection against death, against the sentence of death, to which

    the world has condemned itself through sin.

    Christ is risen!!!

    Maran afa!

  9. “Christ is risen from the dead, restoring death to death, and giving life to those who are in the grave,” is a biblical saying.

    “My day is the day after tomorrow; some people are born posthumously.” – Nietzsche

    More precisely, every human being born in the body, that is, in the mind, is born stillborn (life after the death of himself in God), since God is dead in the mind (man).

    Hence, the resurrection of us from the dead is possible only in one way, by restoring death to death, and giving life to those who are in the grave.

    But what does it mean that we must die, that we must restore death to the dead, that we must bury the dead, that we must give life in the grave, that is, that we must give life to the “dead” in us, who is buried as a born man, and thus proclaim Eternal Life?

    And here's what.

    If a person does not understand that he himself is this dead man buried alive in all the dead things, if it does not reach him that he chooses himself to be the bearer of all this dead rubbish, which he keeps (buries) in his head (coffin), in which he believes as in the truth, instead of revealing himself to himself with a living life, while the body is still alive, A name that reminds us of ourselves as the living bearer of the spark of God in us!

    Therefore, when it is said: “Christ is Risen!” – this sounds like a reminder to us of our most important and most important mission here-the mission of awakening ourselves in the Spirit (Consciousness), which, in fact, is not possible without death (crucifixion). Here, no commandments or prayers will help.

    This is precisely the meaning of what is said: “Christ is risen from the dead, restoring death to death, and giving life to those who are in the grave.”

    You die like the mind in the body, purifying the cup inside. It is not Christ who dies, but man (the mind) dies in Christ, and Christ is the resurrection, just as His new rebirth is now YOUR OWN.

    Another body becomes empty, and God is now alive, and not a dead man, who declares Himself through this emptiness. This is the essence of the salvation of you by Christ God!

    You are no longer there, only God speaking through the same body.


    We are the Gods! It was said.

  10. The history of the redemption of human sins is purely mystical in nature. There is and could not be anything factual in it, since the essence of the crucifixion of man in us (death is due for sin) is in awakening us in the spirit, in awareness of ourselves, and therefore of the world.

    Ignorance and unconsciousness are crucified, die in us, and we give birth to Jesus (twice born, the son of God, not a man, but not a God). The birth of us by Jesus is the redemption of Adam's fall into Man (the ego is an illusory fool, a liar, and a traitor to ourselves in God) on the path of our self-realization in the Divine Self-realization, the essence of which is death (crucifixion) and our resurrection in God. For We are Gods, it was said.

  11. “Man created by God … in his will, he chose a path that does not coincide with the Divine Will. The consequence of this was a falling away from the Deity and the beginning of a life outside of God. Invisible chaos was restored, and evil, suffering, and death appeared. Could man himself be reunited with God? No. After all, life in accordance with the Divine will could be because a person was with God, His free will was sufficient to preserve this unity. But without God, it was absolutely impossible for her to get out of the general chaos that had risen after the fall, to restore the general harmony again”

    “Evil has appeared in the world. And no matter how much a person corrected his own life, it could not be destroyed. … Under these conditions, absolute harmony, and therefore unconditional unity with God, could not be restored. … And now God-Love Himself was willing to do what man could not do. God himself wanted to reunite man, and through him the whole world, with God. Reunite not by force, not by mechanical causation, but by preserving human freedom to the fullest extent. … The Son of God, the second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, our Lord Jesus Christ, was to be incarnated and live among men. He had to become a man while remaining a God. It must have two natures and two wills: the Divine and the human. He was supposed to have everything but sin. The evil that reigned in the world was supposed to kill the incarnate God-Man. And this is the greatest crime that Christ had to forgive people … Man was reconciled to God again in the Savior, unity was restored in him, and the sin committed by Adam was destroyed by the power of Love and forgiveness”

    “All people can enter into this unity with God through faith in the risen Christ. This faith unites a person to Christ, and at the same time restores him to a common unity with God. Through faith in Christ, by being crucified with Him, a person becomes a participant in the Atonement, is co-resurrected and exalted with Him, becomes an heir and a partaker of eternal life. The path to God's perfection opens up to Him once again.”

    Archpriest Valentin Sventsitsky, Dialogues: The Third Dialogue. About redemption.

  12. The way they treated Jesus (and this is not only subjected to a cruel death, before that He was beaten, He was bullied) -this is what should be done to each of us (after all, we are sinners). God is Just and Holy, there is no sin in Him, and according to His law, the penalty for sin is death. So, according to God's law, every single person had to die for their sins. But God is Love. He loved us, and His love does not change, does not stop. It does not depend on us, because it is from God, it is perfect. And so it turns out that people have to die. The only way people can be saved is by the death of someone who is pure, who is willing to be punished for the sake of humanity. And then Jesus, Who is God, absolutely innocent, comes to Earth and dies on the cross, as if He were the one who is guilty. On the third day, He was resurrected. Thus, the punishment has already occurred, and people can not be afraid of eternal death, torment for their sins. But only if they believe in Jesus. Those who do not believe in Jesus will answer for their own sins before God at the end of time. Those who believe are no longer condemned, they are free, already on Earth the true followers of Jesus know Him, and His Spirit lives in them, and when Jesus returns, they will always be with Him.

    Only you need to believe correctly. Because to put a candle in the temple is not yet faith. Faith is when there are works that confirm it. After all, seriously-God Himself died on the cross so that you could live, and your reaction is to put a candle to it?

    But this is a separate answer, I can only say that you need to start reading the Bible, analyze it, and act as it teaches

  13. There are two possible answers to this question. The statement of the question, which contains the concept of “atonement for sins”, suggests a picture of the world in which a person's sins must be “paid”, just as someone pays a fine for an offense, or people must be redeemed, just as a criminal can be released on monetary bail.

    The first answer is offered by the so-called “legal theory of atonement”, which originated in Catholicism and penetrated into Orthodoxy. According to it, since people's sins are committed against the Infinite God, an infinitely large sacrifice must be made to pay for them, which no one can do except God Himself.

    This is how Mitr writes about it. Makary Bulgakov in Dogmatic Theology: “Man has committed three great evils…: he has infinitely offended by sin his infinitely good, but also infinitely great, infinitely just, Creator, and thereby has been subjected to eternal damnation (Gen. 3: 17-9)…. Therefore, in order to save man from all these evils…it was necessary: to satisfy for the sinner the infinite righteousness of God, offended by his fall… (Eph. 2:3)… to satisfy the righteousness of God for the sin of man, an infinitely great propitiatory sacrifice was required, as much as the insult inflicted by man on God is infinite, as the eternal truth itself is infinite … Such a propitiatory sacrifice for the sins of man, quite sufficient to satisfy the infinite righteousness, could be obtained and offered only by … almighty God.” 124. The necessity of divine help for the restoration of man, if possible on the part of man.

    This theory has a right to exist, but it is only part of soteriology (the science of human salvation). Eastern theology focuses not on the legal, but on the ontological side of saving humanity. According to this view, man's sin has separated him from God and has the consequence of death, since only God has life in Him.

    Here it is necessary to explain the Christian view of the nature of man and the world. Everything created by God has the property of existence. Out of all creation, only living beings have life. Of these, only personal beings have the attributes of existence, life, and the image and likeness of God (these are angels and humans). But the last two qualities – life and God-likeness-created beings have not by nature, but by grace. Only God has life in Himself (“In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.” John 1: 4).

    In modern terms, God is a source of life that has no alternative. Therefore, in order to save a person from death, a person must enter into personal communion with God and again receive the gift of eternal life. This is impossible without the will of God Himself. And God revealed His will to receive man into communion and give him His life, which is exactly what Christ did:

    “Vladyka Christ voluntarily offered Himself as a sacrifice, but He offered Himself according to humanity, and He Himself accepted the sacrifice as God, together with the Father and the Spirit. So, on this basis, on which we were united before, it is fitting that the disciples of the Church, as worshippers of the Trinity, should continue to think wisely. The God-man is the Word at first, during the sovereign Passion, to the Father, to Himself as God, and to the Spirit, from whom man was called from non-existence to being, whom he offended by transgressing the commandment, and with whom he was reconciled by the sufferings of Christ. Similarly, bloodless sacrifices are now offered to the all-perfect and perfecting Trinity, and It accepts them” (Tomos of the Council of Constantinople of 1157).

    You can read more about this in our books:

    • “The Source of Knowledge” by John of Damascus narod.ru

    • “Dogmatic theology” mitr. Makariya Bulgakova azbyka.ru

    If you are an office cleric and are not yet sure whether to dive so deeply into theology, try reading popular articles on Orthodox websites, for example, an interview with Anton Nebolsin, a teacher at the Faculty of Theology of St. Petersburg State University, author of a special course on the Apocalypse of St. John the Theologian: “The Death of Christ, Conversations about the Apocalypse” pravoslavie.ru

  14. The question is posed as if the death of a certain Jesus Christ on the cross is an established historical fact, while this is not particularly confirmed by anything. Whereas Christ is a collective image, overgrown with myths and legends. All the miracles associated with it are just a collection of ancient superstitions, later repeatedly retold and rewritten on the principle of a damaged phone. The fact that this fictional character is the son of God and the savior of all mankind is the product of the inflamed imagination of people who have been brainwashed by religion.

  15. alternative opinion)

    he realized that the Father to whom he had called on the cross had never left him, because he had never been separated from him (he had sought unity, whereas separation had never happened).

    Thus, he died as a ” man “(separated from the world) and “was born”(saw) himself as Everyone Else.

    in this way, he cured himself of the sin of eating the apple of knowledge, which causes the mind to know the world through the separation of “subject-object process”. because when there is no knower, then there is no suffering from the delusion that there is someone separate, with a personal will and, accordingly, a choice between good and evil, who, if mistaken, can be sinful.

    * in this case, sin is in the sense of not properly understanding what is, which entails suffering.

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