6 Answers

  1. The Chinese strategist Sun Tzu wrote in The Art of War: “They move when it suits the benefit; if it doesn't suit the benefit, they stay put.” With this succinct formula, Sun Tzu expressed the main principle of joy-respect: you should take up additional literature around Ulysses very carefully, carefully weighing your strength.

    This careful approach is dictated by the fact that getting acquainted with the full list of sources that fed Ulysses risks postponing the meeting with Joyce's novel itself for too indefinite a period. Joyce consciously included in his book all the riches accumulated by literature, philosophy and theology over several millennia: from Aristotle, Aquinas, Dante and Swift to Ibsen, Chaucer, Vico and Sabellius.

    Therefore, I have compiled a list of only 5 books that I recommend reading for those who are planning to take up “Ulysses”. I note that this list includes only those books that were written before “Ulysses” and had a direct impact on it. I did not include criticism and other popular joy studies, such as Nabokov and Eco, in this list. So.

    “Odyssey “ 1. – because when creating Ulysses, Joyce used Homer's poem as a “scaffolding”. “Ulysses” does not reproduce the “Odyssey”, and the parallels and similarities are often formal, but still the epic about Joyce's favorite hero played a major role in the life of his novel.

    2 and 3. “The Dubliners” and “Portrait of an Artist in his Youth” by Joyce himself. “The Dubliners” – because these fifteen stories turned out to be the setting in which “Ulysses”was staged. “Portrait of an artist in his youth” – because it is where Stephen Daedalus, one of the main characters of “Ulysses”, is born, matures and matures. The ” Portrait” itself is sometimes reminiscent of Proust, then Flaubert, sometimes fascinating, and sometimes seems boring, but for 33-year-old Joyce it was an important step in finding his own style.

    “Hamlet” 4 – – because it is in this play of Shakespeare's that Joyce finds his main Shakespearean question. It's not ” to be or not to be?”, and the thin web of the relationship between father and son, one of the main motives of “Ulysses”.

    5. “Madame Bovary” – because it was Flaubert who Joyce considered the best master in the history of the art of prose (until he himself appeared, of course). It was his method that Joyce learned, repeated, refined, and eventually outgrew.

    I will repeat once again: this is an ultra-short list, if you want, you can add another 10 or even 100 items here, for example, “The Divine Comedy”, “Canterbury Tales”, “Robinson Crusoe”, Proust, Ibsen's plays, etc., but I personally would suggest reading this five first of all in preparation for reading Joyce.

  2. It is worth adding Homer's Odyssey to the previous answer, since Joyce himself clearly points out the connection between the novel and the poem: the title “Ulysses” refers the reader to the Latin version of the name of the king of Ithaca. And the images of the main characters are identical to the characters of the ancient Greek text. That is, Leopold Bloom ~ Odysseus, his wife Marion ~ Penelope, Stephen Daedalus ~ Telemachus, Garrett Deasy ~ Nestor, etc. �

    Moreover, in the first versions of the novel, 18 episodes were named according to the Odyssey – Telemachus, Nestor, Proteus, Calypso, Lotophagi, Hades, Aeolus, Lestrygons, Scylla and Charybdis, Wandering Rocks, Sirens, Cyclopes, Nausicaa, Bulls of the Sun, Circe, Eumaeus, Ithaca, Penelope.

    It will not be superfluous to look through the tragedy of Shakespeare's Hamlet. Joyce's novel often contains references to this work, creating a figurative parallel to Stephen Daedalus-Hamlet.

    You may also find the comments of Horuzhy and Nabokov useful.

  3. 1). “The Word about Igor's Regiment”.

    2).” The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom ” – in the original text!

    3) A. N. Radishchev. “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow” – just a few pages))

    The fact is that in “Ulysses” there is such a fucking 14 episode. After which I gave up for the first time)

    There Joyce plays with English languages from different eras. Our translators couldn't think of anything better than running the text in Old Russian and Church Slavonic to match it. And further, archaic languages of different eras used in Russia.

    Reading a book is already an endless back-to-the-notes exercise. But this episode is something with something. As a teacher, you should understand everything, although it is easier to read a book in Ukrainian.

    There is also a good article, but the link can not be scored. You need to type in the search engine: “How to read the novel “Ulysses””. The site is wikiHow.

  4. Of course, the “Gigamesh” of the Irishman Patrick Hannahan. An Irishman, a compatriot of Joyce's, who set out to surpass the latter, and still surpassed him. Gigamesh's 360 pages describe 36 minutes of a gangster's life before execution, from going to the toilet to being hanged. And in these 36 minutes, the author was able to encode the entire history of mankind, all literature in the history of mankind, all religions in history, all music in history, all world architecture, and so on. In fact, this book of books, in which the entire Earth's civilization is encrypted.�

    Unfortunately, the story has not been translated into Russian, but there is a translation into Russian of Stanislav Lem's reviews from the collection “Absolute Emptiness”.

  5. In addition, it is almost useless to read “Ulysses” without comments (it is better to take the publication immediately with them, if it is paper). It not only explains all the possible references to other works, but also the connection of each episode with the Odyssey, the historical context, philosophical and philological aspects, and even the color, body part, and science that each episode corresponds to, according to Joyce.

  6. It is also advisable to read Joyce's novel “Portrait of an Artist in his Youth” and the collection of short stories “The Dubliners”. These works directly anticipate “Ulysses” (the main character of “Portrait”, for example , is the growing up Stephen Daedalus). About Homer, by the way, everything is not so clear. Some literary critics believe that there is not so much of it in Ulysses. If you don't want to get bored with hexameters listing ships, you can safely abandon this in the well-founded hope of a comment on the novel.

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