One Answer

  1. Perhaps this difference is the Jewish question.

    Fascism, as an ideology, originated in a state that was historically recently freed from the power of the Habsburgs. Many public organizations took part in this nationalist movement

    And many of their members took part in the movement that Mussolini led. Among them were Jewish organizations.

    The Duce himself was unfriendly towards Jews, but apart from his unofficial statement about resettling Jews in Somalia so that they would be eaten while swimming by a shark, there were no actions at the state level.

    Anti-Semitism came to Italy in 1943 along with German troops. When Jews were sent to concentration camps. The population, as they could, massively hid Jews.

    And the first official order to launch an anti-Jewish campaign was issued by Mussolini when he became the head of the puppet state Solo.

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