One Answer

  1. This is a question from an area where I don't have much authority, but I would like to try to give an answer.

    To begin with, liberalism is different – if we appeal to the thoughts of A. Dugin, we can say the following: there is conservative liberalism (Trump) and neo-liberalism (Biden).

    If you refer to the graph of political coordinates, you can see that there is libertarianism, and there is “leftism”.

    “Leftism” is subjected to comprehensive criticism, because it is built on an inferiority complex and on psychologism – that is, it is a modern form of ochlocracy.

    Conservative liberalism and libertarianism have not disappeared, and nothing has yet come to replace them. As an alternative, one can take “Eurasianism”, but this political theory does not yet have a coherent theory and practical implementation.

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