One Answer

  1. Because the ideas of conservatives have always remained popular. In all ages, there were those (and quite a few!) who were afraid of any changes and who would like to preserve the current moment for as long as possible, preferably forever.

    Of course, it was usually those who were happy with everything, and not those who were not so happy at the moment.

    But although I myself am more for progress, I am not in a hurry to throw a heavy stone at conservatives (only small ones) – they have an important function in society, similar to stabilizing selection in wildlife – any idea, in order to be implemented, must first overcome the resistance of conservatives, which is all the stronger the more comfortable society feels at the moment. Otherwise, we would be constantly rushing from reform to reform, from extreme to extreme. Thanks to conservatives, only the most resilient and attractive reform projects are being implemented.

    If there was no darkness, how would we know where the light is?

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