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It helped to set yourself on the path of development. I don't want to write a detailed story, but in fact, life has changed a lot, I began to understand more than before, there was a desire to learn even more, share ideas and reflections. I went beyond some old artificial framework and stuff like that. To put it bluntly, I became an individual, not an automaton.
I don't know exactly what to call myself,but I always strive for something new.This is not curiosity.I constantly need a new atmosphere,new sensations, new landscapes and views.So almost every new book is a new feeling and sensation.Also, I live a very boring life, so I often have nothing to talk about with my friends.Then I start telling you some cool book that I recently read.Or you can draw parallels between the current situation and the situation in the book and try to predict what will happen next.After all, as Ray Bradbury wrote: “Books are only one of the receptacles where we store what we are afraid to forget.”
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 It was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.
4 In Him was life, and life was the light of men.
5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overtaken it.
These words are from the Holy Scriptures. They say that the Word is the key to the heart and mind of man. The word, as it were, installs software into a person's consciousness, and thanks to this, a person acts, thinks, sees the world from a certain angle, evaluates, and so on.�
In accordance with this, the Word of Truth gives a person true knowledge, and various kinds of delusions and illusions also tend to be transmitted. Here the source from which you drink is important.�
I have read many books, but most of them only embellished my facade, and only the Scriptures transformed me from the inside out. It is truly Sacred.
Parallel worlds, “false realities”, illusory paradigms and views on being.
I almost always liked to indulge in reading in my spare time, but I began to approach this more meaningfully since last year. So, it was reading in this capacity that changed my perception of the world.
First of all, I really like books that deal with certain psychological aspects of our lives (not to be confused with popular psychology. I also read this, but very rarely). Such literature turned my concepts upside down and helped me get rid of some of the false attitudes that my mind had fixed as a child. I can recommend St. Wolinsky, R. Norwood, Winehold, and many others. One of the most powerful categories of books for me.
Secondly, I love non-fiction books that can tell you something new. Choose any field that is most interesting to you and study the literature on it. They helped me expand my horizons and interests, learn more about my specialty, and stay in college 🙂
Third, there is also an art form, classic and not so much, but I use it much less often. And it's more for the soul. From the last reading, I can recommend V. Frankl “Say yes to life”, P. Kalaniti “When the breath dissolves in the air “and P. Sanaev”Bury me behind the baseboard”. The last book also gave me a lot of life insights.
Fourth, motivational books. A la get a kick and go for it. They are also quite good, as they make you get up and start doing something. But you should not get carried away with them-otherwise it will get boring. From the latter, I can recommend N. Vujicic.
And the last category is partly esotericism, partly psychology. Last but not least. Books on working on thoughts, and as we know, our brain does not really distinguish between what is happening outside and what is inside. So our thoughts become our world. I began to consciously build my own mental series 🙂 I can recommend Transurfing reality Zeland, J. Dispenza The power of the subconscious.
Through reading books, my imagination developed, my speech became better, and my thoughts became clearer. Of course, it is worth noting that these changes occurred due to reading classical literature. So read on, there are no disadvantages in this lesson.
Fortunately, it didn't change anything. I've read and still read a lot. If I was focused on any changes in my life due to the books I read, I would have ended up in a mental hospital. I don't like pressure and influence in any form. Books are an intellectual pleasure (or displeasure). No more than that.
Reading books didn't change my life, and it changed my understanding of life. Classics are a great teacher of life. A very huge role was played in my life two years later (who would have thought ) by Goncharov's novel “An Ordinary Story”. Thanks to her, I realized that a person does not have power over all their feelings. There are also obsessions!!! This understanding saved my family in a time of crisis. And not only that helped. I remembered a lot of books from the 19th century. This is the whole psychology of relationships! I advise you!
Reading books has taught me to think, to be more tolerant of people, and not to forget that we are all different.�
And then.. further, this is an endless development, a source of wisdom and good mood!
I ate a couple of pounds of blueberry supplements and started wearing glasses because I was a heavy reader when I was a kid.
I don't think the fact that I was stuck with the world of Middle-earth or certain historical eras had any more impact on my life than the right and wrong companies I found myself in. Reading paper books is highly overrated, and your personality is much more influenced by your environment, school, and parents, as well as movies, music, and other sources of information.
Books have shaped my sense of humor and the way I interact with people. There were very few really good books, but I read them many times and memorized some of them. And then – you can always learn something that will come in handy later, when you don't expect it at all. The thought only arises – ” How do I know this?” �;-)
Very, very radical. I entered the Faculty of Philology, and now I have no idea about my future.
Until a certain age, for some reason, books were not perceived by me as something that can teach you something. Everyone kept saying that “reading is necessary, reading is useful” in such a monotonous voice, but they never explained why it is useful, how to read and perceive literature correctly in general. Because people don't know that. They will answer the question with something equally monotonous – “Well, books enrich your vocabulary” or “Well, they tell you something”.
At a more conscious age, when I was already particularly fond of poetry, I realized and had such a little insight – it turns out that you can feel the stories! And no one has ever told me about it before. All those answers about why you need to read at all didn't reflect even a small part of what you can experience through books. But I don't think there was a full understanding of the value of information yet. Where is there to change and impact on life?
Later, you also fell in love with biographies – and I will definitely advise you to do this, because the life path of an outstanding person that you have experienced and lived can actually change your life incredibly.
But especially and separately, in fact, I would like to say about the books of Franz Wertfollen. I came across his work not so long ago, but I have already had an incredible amount of impressions, it has already influenced my life. Honestly, I've never received more from books. It was not just the pleasure of reading that overwhelmed me, but most of all they brought me exactly the awareness – what, how and why-that I always wanted. So it was his books and his characters that pushed me, oddly enough, to develop and think.
It was his books that gave me the opportunity to live and learn.
No theory will give you enough understanding, will, courage, or imagination to achieve your goals. Just like I once did, those answers gave absolutely nothing. Of course, you can theoretically understand the objects around you, but you can't interact with them.
So here's how much it can affect your life. I want you to do the same.
Read books.
Once I decided that after every book I read, I would immediately apply something in my life. Since then, I have learned how to plan and allocate time correctly, relax and meditate, improve my photography skills, launch my own literary project, and improve my creativity skills. In general, almost everything I know how to do is learned in books and supported by my own experience.
I don't use slang (or in a very small amount), I have a good speech, I write well, I have a broad outlook, and I get really valuable thoughts from books that help me solve this or that problem.
What books..For example, if we talk about horizons, then thanks to the books of Stephen Hawking, I have an idea of the cosmos (in general, this includes stars, planets, and black holes), about the probable origin of the world.
For example, thanks to Richard Dawkins ' book (God as an illusion), I finally solved one of the main problems for myself – the problem of the existence of God. Also thanks to this book, she became a supporter of the scientific approach to creating life on Earth-the theory of evolution.
Here is another example from scientific journalism. I read the book by A. Hitler (Mein Kampf) and realized that Hitler was a very intelligent man and politician, although cruel, that individuals should be treated OBJECTIVELY, and not follow Soviet stereotypes, that Hitler is scum, Stalin is God. Stalin is the same scum as Hitler, but for some reason no one takes into account that Stalin repressed many times more of his people than his opponent.
You can give a lot more examples, I would like to read other opinions.