3 Answers

  1. It has been experimentally proven that the influence of movies, games, and TV in particular is not as linear as previously stated. Behavior is shaped by many factors, not just browsing/playing games. This opinion has remained with a number of marginal liberal groups like “Teach good”, which have nothing to do with psychology, and their opinions are based on conspiracy theories.

  2. Well, it seems to me that those who watch them are doing fine. So I don't look, because I think I'll definitely go) You know, it's not even about the horrors, but in general, when I see the warning “not recommended for people with a weak mind” – that means I don't need to go any further. I watched a horror movie as an experiment in the cinema, judging by the reviews, it's not scary enough. Ahem, at the end I was already rushing out of the hall, but because of my friend I sat out. Well, for about another six months, it was sometimes scary to pass by the bathroom and fall asleep at all….

    So, all is well, if you want and can watch such movies, nothing will happen to you =)

  3. For 24 years of my life, I watched tons of horror movies and didn't go crazy, I didn't torture and kill people and don't plan to, I sleep well, I rarely have nightmares, and in general I feel great mentally. I'm a little paranoid, to be completely honest, but it has to do with certain life situations I've been in, not horror movies. So I would venture to say no.

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