6 Answers

  1. Garberobschitsa in the wardrobe, which is not responsible for the missing items. And exactly in the one where you hang it yourself without a number. They usually just sit around doing crosswords…

  2. All professions are important, all professions are necessary. One hundred and forty characters is too much for such a question.

    Therefore you can not read further because there is no information here

  3. Deputy. This means an ordinary deputy, with a nominal initiative, which is the majority. The necessary initiatives will be pushed through without you, all you need is a formal vote at the meeting.

  4. Sisyphus, who, as a punishment for escaping from hell, by the will of the gods, must push a stone up a mountain forever. If you're interested, read The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus.

  5. I remember in a relatively old cartoon called “Merry and Max,” Mary's father showed labels for tea bags on the hood.

    But in fact, society is designed in such a way that there is no useless work in it.Everyone contributes, and everyone can contribute more to their own non-significant profession.

  6. It depends for whom it is useless – for a particular person or society as a whole? In the first case, for example, it is a job that does not bring you joy.

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