7 Answers

  1. For me, the option since 2011 is constant training, with the development of new areas in my profession.

    And it is not “self – development” one-on-one with yourself, but formalized training in practice-oriented educational institutions-plus the use of new skills at once.

    One of the values of such a process is, yes, a guarantee against degradation. It turns out that I started this process at the age of 43. – I am satisfied, I started another three-year training course in the spring. All in Moscow, I go every month from Arkhangelsk, – since 2011, cho))

  2. Aren't you fixated on your problem? Maybe you think too much about it, and that's where the resources go. In general, self-reflection is not peculiar to stupid people, so you have thought processes, only you spend them on thinking – ” am I getting stupid?”. Try to change the environment or do something fundamentally new, quite strongly, to breathe new emotions into your life and see if you find yourself.
    If you can't get out of this obsession yourself, contact a psychologist. Maybe he can help you.
    P.S. Have you tried to drink glycine and other nootropics?

  3. I feel a gradual degradation. I regularly try to get new and useful information, I am sincerely open to the world and knowledge, but the feeling of degradation does not go away. Dementia is excluded, the brain is fine, and he is young(25). It has become difficult to memorize new words, use high-quality knowledge (new ones are quickly forgotten), and express your thoughts correctly (it was better before). I believe that the reason is the habit of avoiding thought processes (almost complete absence of thoughts on a regular basis). For some period of my life, I didn't communicate with people at all, and after full introspection and self-awareness, I began to run away from thoughts (not from understanding and awareness, but for some kind of mental emancipation in order to normalize my life). Now, it feels as if there is a certain block that allows you to perform only mechanically automated actions. Almost complete lack of analysis. What can be adequately done to fully return to mental activity and force the brain to consciously assimilate information, and not instantly skip through it? Thanks.

  4. Eliminate social networks, Wikipedia, and search engines from your life. As well as TV and video viewing from your computer / phone. Limit your phone usage. Read fiction. Find like-minded people in the development plan. Move more, talk about physical activity. Write your thoughts down on paper. Be in service to those you love.

  5. A stupid person does not feel his own degradation. You're all right. Keep developing.�

    You can visit the comments of the RT group in VK. A sense of your own moral and intellectual superiority will fill you to the level of Philip Bedrosovich Druz.

  6. If you perceive a state of “degradation” in yourself, then your mind “refuses” to perceive the reality in which you exist today as the only “given”given to it.

    There are still many “givens” that your mind is not yet familiar with, but that already exist objectively in the present reality. We are talking about the reality described in H. P. Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine. Try to reorient your attention to other topics that are more important to your Soul, for example, what you live for and why you need it! ))

  7. These are the consequences of various spiritual practices, such as “expanded consciousness”. Meditation,yoga-all from this area.I could go crazy,” go away and never come back” – there are many such cases.I am now being “capped” by various “experts”, but this is treated only in the church,and not quickly.Go to the monastery, tell me everything honestly,ask for help.If you are sincere, they will help you.

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