14 Answers

  1. The Evil genius is the most dangerous creature on Earth –

    he alone can do things that millions of fools can't do…

    Candidates for this role are people who have enormous individual power.

    The danger of fools is mostly local and personal-described by the proverb- ” A fool friend is much more dangerous than a strong enemy.”

  2. Of course, it all depends on the specific case, but I will still share my personal thoughts on this issue, and try to make some generalizations.

    I am more afraid of stupid people, because of their unpredictability and conflict.

    According to my personal observation (I do not claim that this is the truth of the first instance), smart people are not inclined to harm others and do not seek conflict, they are less likely to seek power in view of an understanding of responsibility, and they also create fewer situations where there is a need to harm another person for their own benefit.

    In addition, smart people are more tolerant of other views, various kinds of minorities, and so on.As a result, the number of conflicts and counteractions they create is also lower.

    If a smart person still wants to do harm, then at least we can understand their motive, which makes it possible to counteract or avoid the threat.

    On the other hand, a smart person, even if they do decide to do harm, can successfully hide their motives with a high chance.

    A stupid person is unpredictable, tends to rest on his position, does not understand that other people may differ from him, think differently, and so on.

    When I talk about a stupid person, images of a street cop, a bully, a religious fanatic, or an HIV dissident immediately come to mind.

    A fool can do harm even if he doesn't want to. For example, it may take inappropriate measures that do not correspond to objective reality in an attempt to help.

    As a separate point, I would like to single out people with antisocial personality disorder (in Western literature, you can often hear the term sociopathy).

    It's just that when it comes to danger and intelligence, the image of a sociopath immediately comes to mind. This is exactly the image that cinema and pop psychology figures draw for us.

    In fact, most sociopaths are far from intelligent people. They are rarely far-sighted, and do not have the skill of long-term planning: “Stole, drank, went to jail.”

    Of course, in reality, there are also smart sociopaths (the image from the films) who achieve heights in their careers, deftly manipulate, occupy leadership positions or become politicians. Such people are really worth being afraid of, but they are very rare.

  3. Stupid, of course. A smart person knows what he will do, but a fool is not predictable. But this is not always a bad thing:))) because I immediately remember the joke:

    • why does a man make tea better than a woman? – because a woman knows how to brew properly and puts in how much you need, but a man doesn't know, so he puts in more.
  4. A stupid villain is much safer than a smart villain.

    Stupid villain-naive, transparent, obvious, predictable – dilettante of evil.

    Smart villain-experienced, secretive, unobtrusive, difficult to predict-professional evil.

  5. It depends on what kind of person it is.
    If you are kind, but narrow-minded, then there is nothing to fear.
    And, also, if a person is smart, but kind, he does not pose a threat to me, and even vice versa – I will be interested in meeting kind and intelligent people like myself.
    If a person is angry and has a real opportunity to intensively harm me, my physical/mental health, my family, my loved ones, or valuable property for me – then, of course, it is more necessary to be afraid if he is smart and cunning.
    Because the stupid villain will not be able to think through a normal and non-palyless plan of action, and, most likely, he will not be able to deal significant damage. A smart villain will be able to think through each of his steps and anticipate many possible scenarios, making everything as profitable as possible for himself, having a pre-prepared alibi and a cunning plan on how to harm a person best so that he gets as many losses as possible, and the villain himself remains undisclosed and unpunished.

  6. A stupid person, but only if he was in some critical situation, for example, was seriously ill. Because if I did, I wouldn't be able to protect myself from the fool, and he, in turn, could do anything to me until I died.

    Smart people are not inclined to create an ignoble arena in society. If they can threaten anything, they can only threaten justice.

  7. You need to be afraid of your vices and shortcomings first of all, and people are all different and only you can decide whether to communicate with them or not; when letting a person into your life, you need to be prepared in advance for any outcome and not place expectations beyond expectations, so as not to be disappointed

  8. I would be more wary of a smart fool or a smart person with a big idiot. The simultaneous combination of stupidity with intelligence-you can check it out, it is a very scary and dangerous quality.

  9. A smart person will always look for his own benefit, while a fool will simply be what he is. So I would be afraid of the smart one. A fool if this is an aggressive type can always be deceived or simply stop communicating with him

  10. Neither.I believe that it is necessary for security purposes to focus not on the mindset, but on the moral qualities of a person. It is necessary to be afraid of aggression, anger, hatred.

  11. Fools, extremely dangerous.No enemy can match the damage of a fool.And a couple of fools is just a natural disaster.Whether you're a smart person,you won't be able to predict all the moronic moves and antics of a jerk or a fool.And arrogance in thinking that you are smarter than a fool, and therefore it is not dangerous for you – this is a direct evidence of the lack of intelligence and experience you have.Stupid people are dangerous in the most harmless situations.Always, where and from where you do not expect a trick and danger.The enemy is dangerous in war.A fool is always dangerous.

  12. Did you play backgammon?
    The most intense, restless, and nervous games for me were those played with neophytes and beginners. They know the rules and understand the basic principles, but they don't know what the rules are yet./moves are more important, which is strategically important, how you can turn any position on the board to your advantage, and hundreds of other nuances are unknown to them. Therefore, a more experienced player gets the impression that they walk like loonies. They do not think in a general coordinate system, they are spontaneous, unpredictable, absurd and fearless, which destabilizes/disorientates the opponent. �
    Dementia and courage in other words.

    With “smart” people, the situation is always clearer, their reactions/values/behavior can at least be predicted. And even if there is a huge intellectual gap between us, the effect of surprise, dementia and courage will always help us to destabilize them ^^

  13. More like a smart one. A stupid person can be manipulated: you can make them think the same way as you do(if you don't belong to the category of “Stupid”, of course), but a smart person can take your mental blow and even repel it. But here it is worth considering that smart people fall into two categories: those who use their minds to control others and those who do not have a “thirst for power”.

  14. Stupid. You can negotiate with a smart person. And, perhaps naively, but I still believe that a truly intelligent person will not do evil/violence/cruelty, or at least make every effort to minimize it.

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