2 Answers

  1. They no longer have the same animal aggression that was present at the beginning of their career. They've become more tame or something. The music is good, yes, here. Texts – keep up to date thanks to Till. But you need to take into account that age takes its toll, you will no longer fly into the stage somersault with boots shooting some pyrotechnics, you will not break your forehead with a microphone to Asche zu Asche.
    Yes, what is there to paint for a long time-watch Live aus Berlin and one of the latest concerts. You'll see for yourself.

  2. What do you mean by “skidded”? Rolled down from where, and, excuse me, where?

    If we are talking about the fact that, they say, the band used to be in the underground, and now easily collects stadiums, without bothering with the organization of tours (Festival Tour 2016), striking everyone with an amazing show, then no, they did not slide.

    And if we are talking about the fact that before their sound and lyrics were, ahem, “heavier”, and now they are “opopseli”, then here, too, no one went anywhere. The means of playing and recording music have improved, and the entire music industry has reached a new level. Of course, all bands sound different now than they did 20-30 years ago. “Worse” or “Better” – this is subjectively decided by the listener himself.

    So what's the question?

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