3 Answers

  1. Genes affect bone growth. Gene is the name of the Gene, Bone is the name of Kostya.
    Truth, like mold, is born in disputes. Dispute – Dispute
    all probably. All examples are not mine

  2. Come to me/And wildly to me

    The parrot said to the parrot: “I'll scare you, parrot, parrot!” The parrot answers him: “Parrot, parrot! The parrot…”

    You exclaim sadly: “am I the same?
    A hundred centimeters of my waist…”
    Indeed, this will become
    I will not express my praise.

  3. In the VK, I saw several variants of word caviar.

    • We have a lot of snails against you.

    • Your jaw, I won't answer your questions without my avocado!


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