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To learn perfectly, you just need to know the material that you are learning perfectly. For this purpose, it is not so important how you eat, sleep, etc. A girl studied with me in England. She went to a club with her friends every Friday and got very drunk. But in her studies, she had no equal. I think she even went to Cambridge University.�
There are several ways to learn the material perfectly. You can go heavy, you can go light and save a lot of time for sports, friends and hobbies. Read about these methods in my other answers.
There are 4 main ingredients:
1. Interest in studying;
2. Eat well, lack of iodine and fluoride, which are found in marine products, can cause distraction and memory problems;
3. Always get enough sleep (at least 8 hours, on average, since 5 is enough for someone) and do not be late for classes. Many people say that they can't get enough sleep, although they themselves go to bed at 3-4 o'clock in the morning – this is not correct.
4. A good, respectful attitude towards teachers, and after you start studying well, you can also play a little hooliganism.
The whole recipe has been tested over the years of studying at school and at university, although I began to study perfectly only at university, I was a good student at school.
Studying will bring maximum pleasure and results, if it is interesting. There are moments for every excellent student when there is no motivation, strength, and apathy and distress puts a fat imprint on your mental activity and, accordingly, academic performance. When I was caught up in this action, it was important to understand that each subject contains thousands and thousands of incredibly exciting facts that have strong interdisciplinary connections, forming an immense network of knowledge.�
Regarding just marks:
1) From the first lesson, the teacher should remember your name and know that you are the main listener;
2) Do as many tasks as possible and always on time;
3) Do not be afraid to make mistakes, assume, put forward your ideas. For years, all the teachers have been saying, “It's our job to teach you to think”; d u m a y t e
4) Be persistent and confident, be honest when you don't know and are wrong. You need to be greedy for knowledge.
As a person who graduated from school with a gold medal and failed the Unified State Exam with a bang, I can highlight several aspects::
Work like a dog;
Don't sleep. At all ;
Write it off, but only beautifully;
Make a smart face, even if you don't understand anything;
Retake it.
To be honest, an excellent study does not depend on your level of intelligence, or further successful future. It all depends on you.
I will say this as a person who was able to reach fives in almost all subjects from C's in almost all subjects in six months without even starting to teach. My method is simple and ingenious, like Malevich's “Black Square”. So:
Write whatever the teacher dictates. Just everything, even what you don't need to write at all. Even what is spoken. Spend the entire 45 minutes of the lesson writing, because then many teachers love to ask questions about the topic that they called verbally, like, better remember.
Skipping isn't good, but it's a great way to have a lot of free time and still get better grades. It's simple: if you know that the next lesson is guaranteed to be a control/independent/test and you are not ready for it, just do not go. But when there is an oral survey, on the contrary, come to the lesson and hold out your hand. There is an estimate, but you have to work less and you know what they will ask you.�
Make friends with all excellent students. Write them off mercilessly. Get out of it and most importantly, remember that the main thing is to get out of it because the school does not teach knowledge very well, but the ability to turn around in life – yes.
I wasn't an excellent student at school, I was too lazy. But at uni, I took up my mind, in particular, because of the need not to fly off the discount (my training is basically paid), and I write everything on the fives, in the rating for the 2nd year on the 4th place.
So, on the one hand, I am very lucky, because I really like what I am studying. It means a lot, a lot. Try to love the subject, even if it is boring, even if it is disgusting, even if your parents pushed you to university. When I was studying sociology (and I absolutely hate such subjects), I realized that if I don't make it interesting, I won't learn anything, I'll just fall asleep. As a result, I found interesting examples in each topic (exam in the format of essays on different topics). I watched videos on YouTube, Googled interesting articles, and so on. So this is how it works with many items. Try to find something interesting for you that you like. Love the item, and then it will “go in”.
Do your homework. I don't know about other specialties, but I think it helps a lot in principle. I didn't miss any homework, and this is an invaluable practice. I don't think there is anything else that can compare with performing DZ in terms of effectiveness for understanding the subject. Push yourself, do it. Don't stop when you see difficulties, read the tutorial, Google! Personally, this is the only way I do DZ in abstract mathematics. After many hours of Googling and frantically flipping through textbooks, I finish the dz and realize that I have been delayed, that I have learned something.
I don't miss seminars, but it's very optional. It is quite important to have a good relationship with the teacher, but this does not affect the assessment in any way, because all the work is written. But if you really go to seminars — in any case, do not be afraid to ask questions! This is the only reason why seminars are needed. Don't be silent. I'm never silent, I'm not afraid to ask, answer, or make mistakes. This is very important and you should not be afraid of the reaction of your classmates: there is a 90% chance that there will be a couple more people in the class who did not understand as well as you, but were afraid to ask. So don't be afraid to ask, it's important.
But the most important thing is to get yourself interested. This is important for studying any subject. If you don't like it at all — throw it to hell, look for what you like. And you know, being an excellent student is not the main thing at all. The main thing is to learn, develop, and learn new things, and this is possible only by yourself and only if you like it. After all, “Not for school, but for life, we learn.”
I will answer from the point of view of someone who studied at school with “excellent”, but at uni it is difficult to close the session “at least for 3”. The most important thing is to do everything on time. Not later, not in a week, not at the end. Do everything as soon as you get the task. I will not say that you need to attend 100% of lectures, but it is desirable. Attendance often becomes the main factor when the score is in the middle. Your teacher won't raise your grade if you've only been to their classes twice in a semester. Show the teacher that it is their subject that you are extremely interested in, even if it is not.�
I would be happy to say that I myself follow what I have written, but this is not the case. Don't repeat my mistakes.
Doing well at school is one thing. Just remember that the grade often reflects 1-your level relative to the class; 2-the teacher's attitude towards you. presenting a generalized situation with an adequate teaching staff, if you want to get fives, if you do homework (written) and learn to correctly filter out what to do at home and what you can read during recess, you certainly will not get threes.�
Things are different at uni. I'll share my personal experience: I didn't care about my grades at school, but my mother really wanted a medal, so I got a silver one. I can't say that it makes me happy in any way. But at uni, it's different: in general, no one cares how you study, how and when you do tasks. But I chose exactly the specialty I wanted. And like a half-wit, I do all the tasks because I treat it like my job. After all, at work, no one cares if you understood or not, went for a walk last night or not. This is a matter of motivation and responsibility. Teachers usually tell you at the very beginning what you need to do to get a 5. But I would advise you to just love what you do. And be a bit of a perfectionist.
As a person who studied at the gymnasium and almost failed miserably, I will say that it is necessary:
1) Sometimes really show interest in some kind of science. Want to get smarter.�
2) Maybe you should change your social circle: I used to go out with guys who only drank booze, went to hookah clubs, and so on. After I left them (not of my own volition. So it turned out) and found a friend who devoted all his time to studying, I began to learn much better and always tried to “reach” his level.
3) I've never been on good terms with teachers. Never “fawned over”, as the commenter above put it. I just attended all the lessons, showed some activity, congratulated the teachers on the holidays (my wish).
4) In the end, you can take all sorts of dreary, but useful tasks: presentations, essays, reports, practice sessions. Come and pay off debts, if any. Show your teacher that you care.
Good luck with your studies.
I will say this as a person who was an excellent student in all 11 classes at school. To be honest, this probably happened because studying was usually easy for me, and I didn't often think about grades at all: I just got high scores and that was it. Here are some rules that I followed::
More often take the initiative in the classroom, be an active student, do not keep silent. As a rule, such students have good grades.
Know your trip to each teacher, learn how to negotiate. If you haven't learned anything, please approach us in advance and explain everything clearly. Most likely, you won't get a bad grade+ don't forget about your debts!
Don't neglect (but also don't abuse!) write-offs if the rating says you really need them. Write cheat sheets, even if you don't use them at work: the information will be remembered much better and will automatically “pop up” at the right moment.
Do not be rude, but also do not sycophan, defend your point of view. Do not forget to pay attention to teachers – try to congratulate them on the main holidays.
If possible and interesting, take additional projects: reports, presentations, posters.
This is, so to speak, a subjective view of how to be an excellent student. Good luck!