10 Answers

  1. I wish I could say yes, but I can't. For me personally, art begins with a VISUAL IMAGE, not a poetic ONE. For composers and musicians, art begins when sounds form a certain charming melody in the head. And only for writers, poets and playwrights, art begins with verbal images. Although in the expanded understanding of art, we can say – an artist, director, composer with poetic thinking. But most creators are devoid of” poetic ” thinking and do not regret it at all.

  2. It is not clear how to understand “core”. Well, let's say it means “the best part”. “Poetry” also has a broad meaning. Well, let's say you meant “verbal image”.

    In an adult, consciousness stands above the sensory sphere (perhaps unfortunately). Consciousness consists of words (in fact, consciousness is a dictionary). Anything that wants to enter consciousness becomes a word – or it doesn't. Therefore, we must think that the word / concept / name is the highest state that the experience seeks to accept. So, if art is described as expressed experiences, then experience expressed verbally is the highest form of art. I want to say that Manet's picture is half-raw material, waiting to be translated into consciousness – that is, into words (hypothetically, of course; if a spectator comes that exhaustively verbalizes Manet , the picture that appeals-crying out for awareness-becomes a text and ends). Experiences don't last forever – they end either in awareness, becoming a name, or nothing. That is, if you represent the path of content expressed in art with a graph, it turns out like this:

    item -> non-verbal image (visual, musical, olfactory, etc.) – > > name

    Or the gist of it:

    thing -> experience – > > name

    Experience is an unborn word, and non-verbal images are more an experience than a word.

    Of course, there can be no mathematical precision in this. There are pictures or music that are closer to the word than some poems. But, in any case, only the word can completely exhaust the experience. To exhaust, in the understanding of our current evolutionary stage-the cultivation of consciousness.

  3. From the point of view of poetry,as the highest form of reflection of reality in art,it is the core of art in general.Other types are inferior in form and content to poetry in the means of expressing reality.That is why humanity values poets and poetry so much.

  4. I will try to answer this question… I do not believe that poetry is the pinnacle and foundation of art. Art is something that everyone should “understand”. By virtue of their knowledge, of course, but that's not the point, it should be accessible to everyone. And what will be, for example, a poem by Mayakovsky for a resident of Brazil? Poetry is primarily a language that is a specific tool. A work in translation is not even the same as a copy of a painting, but a much more distorted creation.

  5. The core (that is, the most important part of anything) of any art, not a genre, but three main things-skill, the pinnacle of creative thought, authenticity. If these three things are observed, then we come to the main purpose of art – to touch the beautiful and fascinating, the gentle and epic, the objective and divine, the energetic and wayward.

  6. The core, the impulse of art is the need to express your most subtle feelings. Not grossly physiological, but elusive, difficult to define.The more often this is done, the more speech develops, intuition, and the mind becomes receptive and flexible. Poetry is one such attempt. By the way, who writes, at least sometimes poems and simple speech makes it more expressive. And this is practical. Often it is necessary to be understood correctly, to find a common language both in the family and at work.

  7. The core of all art is self – expression.
    Poetry, painting, sculpture, or music are just its forms, but the essence is always the same. It is self-expression that distinguishes art from craft.

  8. The core of all art is craft. Craft as the ability to correctly, freely, skillfully, creatively handle the subject of your art, your creativity. Watch �on �it �with �different �points �of view. Thoroughly know its properties. �This skill can be very different. And it arises in the process of long hours of human interaction with the material that ” he ” has chosen for his creative expression. �And only after full mastery of their material, the “employee” becomesремес artisan om. �And �if �craftsman will be able �to see �and �show �others �people �beauty �in �all �her �manifestations �through �material �your �creativity, �pass �your �thoughts, �feelings �and �attitude �to �fact, �to Express �your �internal �world �to encourage �other �people �to �empathy, �then �we �entitled �call �it �employee �in �the field �art, �artist �Creator.

    Poetry is the ability to work with words, with language, but it is impossible to reduce all types of creative self-expression of a person to poetry alone.

    How and what do art masters work with? �Very �and �very �in different ways.

    Musician �- with �sound, regardless of его its, sound, or origin. Artist – with �image. Лит Writers( poet, writer, journalist – – with a со word. Танц Dancer – with the ” movements “of his own “body. Рез Carver-with �wood. Г Potter – with �clay. Скульп Sculptor – with �a bunch of �different материалов materials. �Architect – with �drawings �and �buildings. Вышив Embroiderers-with полот cloth �and �threads. �Landscape �designer with �items �inanimate �nature �and �plants. �Glassblower – with a ” tube “and a” molten ” mass. Шахмат Chess player-with �board �and �pieces. �Ksenia �Simonova-with пе sand �and подсвет lighting…

    And �so �to бесконеч infinity. �Theoretically �object �creativity �can �to be �that �and �who �anyone. �From �pieces �brushed �glass �in �stained glass �to �shark �in �formalin…

    And �still �are �types �art �synthetic �collected �of �several �species. �As �for example ,ечат printing �as �art. �Ballet. Opera.

    Total �have �all �types �art �only �one. �People �it �talent �and �work. Труда Labor – 90%, talent-10…Art is a very time-consuming thing.

  9. In my opinion, the” core of all art ” is the soul of the creator. Any work of art is a part of the author. Poetry in a broad sense, as well as in a narrow one, by the way, without any doubt, is also part of the master's soul.

    Based on this reasoning, we can conclude that the poetry of any art is its integral part, which the author created by investing himself in his creation.

  10. At least, such an idea has a right to exist, if of course we are not talking about poetry in its narrow sense. The word is multi-faceted, Gorky generally had” poetry of labor”, but also “heroic”.

    You quoted Mr. Neuhaus's discussion of Chopin, if I understand correctly. I believe that when he spoke of poetry, he meant a lyrical form of reflection of reality, even in word form. And a word is a thought. And yes, thought (idea) is the basis of all art – I rather agree with this.

    But I am not a theorist, in such matters to each his own, so I think.

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