One Answer

  1. Chanakya Pandit (1000 B.C. Niti-sastra) wrote down a common principle of Vedic civilization: “Each of us has seven mothers: our own mother, the wife of a teacher or spiritual mentor, the wife of a brahmana, the wife of a king, a cow, a wet nurse, and mother earth.”�

    Our own mother is our first mother, and she is often one of the closest people to us all our lives. The love and care for her is obvious. The second mother is the wife of a teacher or spiritual mentor. In general, women are often more kind, especially if they feel maternal feelings for a particular child. Therefore, the teacher's wife was often asked for help or protection. Nowadays, people may not have a warm relationship with the second mother, but in the old days, boys were trained in the teacher's house. A hundred years ago, some boys and girls lived and studied in gymnasiums, schools, etc. Therefore, they often had a warm relationship with the teacher's wife.

    The third mother is the wife of a brahmana. A brahmana is a class of intellectuals, as they say, the “head” of society. Usually brahmins were priests, scholars, teachers, mentors, priests. Obviously, if a hundred years ago both birth and marriage certificates were issued to churches, then people often had close relationships with priests and their wives.

    The fourth mother is the wife of a king or ruler. In the eighties in the USSR, people sometimes asked for help from�Raisa Maksimovna Gorbacheva. So, although our civilization can not be called Vedic now, but it is our right to seek help from the president's wife.

    The fifth mother is a cow. The feeling of gratitude to the cow for giving milk to human babies is so beautiful that the cow is accepted as one of the mothers. The one who feeds me with her milk is the mother. People enjoy a variety of healthy foods made from milk. For example, some hundred years ago in the Orel province: “When the purchased cow was brought into the yard, the mistress of the house bowed at her feet, and gave her salted bread on the barrier.” The shepherds of the Olonets province used conspiracies to protect their livestock. One of these plots refers to “milch cows”, about “God's sweet cattle”. The Czechs celebrated the “cow festival” on May 1. The cows were decorated with flowers and green branches, and served slices of bread smeared with honey. In 1896, there were 31.6 million cows in Russia, i.e. about 3 cows per 10 souls of the population. The Germans considered white cows sacred, and the inhabitants of Scandinavia firmly believed that the whole world was created by the giant cow Audumbla. The Milky Way, that is, the entire galaxy in which the Earth is located in the Slavic and Vedic traditions, was created from its milk by the heavenly cow-mother. Among the Bulgarians, oxen, as working cattle, were highly respected. Even in the nineteenth century, yoked oxen were called “angels” and it was considered a sin to beat them. When the farmer addressed the yoked ox, he called it “father.” In India, the bull was the personification of religion, and the planet Earth was depicted as a cow.�

    The sixth mother is the wet nurse. When new mothers lost their milk, got sick or died, or babies were orphaned in some cases, wet nurses helped in these cases. The tradition of hiring wet nurses for infants became popular in European countries as early as the 15th century. Wet nurses in those days were sometimes called foster or second mothers.�

    The seventh mother is Mother earth. She is very patient and caring, as she gives us everything she has so that we can live happily ever after. Mother earth is the planet as a whole and also the earth on which we were born. In the second sense, it is called the motherland. In English-fatherland and motherland.The word Sw ” Swiss “(Switzerland) is translated-its own. The German word ” Deutschland “(Germany) – translates-our land. It is completely unacceptable to pollute the Land and not take care of the environment.

    If you care about your mother, you care about all mothers.�

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