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Nabokov's “The Spy” is a short story about a man who decides to commit suicide because of a shameful beating and realizes this intention.
Dumas '”Amaury” is a novel not so much about suicide, but about the desire to take your own life because of a forever lost love.
Du Maurier “For no apparent reason”.
“The Disintegration of the Atom” by Georgy Ivanov. It is about how a person comes to suicide after losing all the supports-love, art, faith in God. And-be sure to rate the style!
It is strange that no one mentioned Durkheim's “Suicide” – a classic thing in considering this issue from a scientific point of view.
The same classics, but already artistic – “The Sufferings of Young Werther” by Goethe,” Anna Karenina ” by Tolstoy,” The Garnet Bracelet ” by Kuprin.
“The Myth of Sisyphus”, written by Nobel laureate Albert Camus in 1942, which begins: “There is only one truly serious philosophical question — the question of suicide. To decide whether a life of work is worth living or not is worth it is to answer the fundamental question of philosophy.”
Nikolai Berdyaev, in his etude “On Suicide” (1931), considers the same question from the opposite – “divine” position.
A rather voluminous and entertaining, but largely superficial study of Grigory Chkhartishvili “The Writer and Suicide”. However, I have already read the first edition (1999), since then the author has revised and republished it, and I will not say anything about its current state.
You can't read about suicides without reading Mishima's ” Patriotism.”
The most vivid, heartfelt and, surprisingly, aesthetic description of suicide.
Demons – Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky! – Kirillov's line in the novel became classical and developed philosophically already in the 20th century.
And so many novels and short stories where the characters end up with suicide, from little-known works, here I will advise the dramatic poem by Gumilyov-Gondl!