One Answer

  1. In addition to the mentioned Genesis and Ecclesiastes, I would also recommend the book of Job from the Old Testament. It is interesting, first of all, in its language and imagery: this is quite impressive poetry, which is especially noticeable if you read not in the Synodal translation, but in the 2011 RBO translation. Secondly, the plot of the book itself strongly influenced world culture — Goethe's Faust, for example, among other things quotes and develops the ideas of the Book of Job (however, many bible books can be accused of influencing world culture). I was very interested to read the book “The Drama of Job” by the Lithuanian philosopher Antanas Maciejna, which explores the problems of the Book of Job in an existentialist spirit. I think it makes sense.

    From the New Testament, in addition to Revelation, I would also call the Gospel of John: it is not as vivid as Revelation, but no less mysterious. In many ways, it is based on symbols and their antinomy (light — darkness), more than other Gospels, in my opinion, speaks about love as the ideological center of Christianity, and, finally, the most popular “in the beginning was the Word” — from there. Compared to the Synoptic Gospels (Mark, Luke, and Matthew), it can be called more philosophical, although probably less reliable in the sense of describing events.

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