7 Answers

  1. Personally, I think this is all just one little Greg's dream, because at the end he told the guys that “It was an amazing adventure”, adding “Yes, you were there too, Jason Funderberker”, referring to the frog. This means that he knows about the forest, the forester, and how Wirth chose the right name for the frog. And there were no hints that Wirth had had the same dream! How can two people have the same dream? Greg understood that his stepbrother was often prone to despair, soul-searching, and depression, but he knew that despite everything he had said to him, he loved him and would come to his aid. And Wirth did not become a rag not because of the story “behind the hedge”, but simply because having survived a clinical death and saved his brother from drowning, he unexpectedly became emboldened, because “we only live once, which I lose if I talk to Sarah, I almost died anyway.”

    But in general, I think this is a cartoon about faith and hope and what role they can play. After all, the “Monster” overtook only those who were completely desperate and that is why they did not touch the main characters for so long, because the hope radiated by Greg scared him off.

  2. From the very beginning of watching the cartoon, I wondered: “how did the characters get into the forest?”. This is revealed only by the end of the series. Due to Wirth's series of cowardly actions, they are on the verge of death. Losing their strength and going to the bottom, the guys are transferred to a certain forest.

    It seems to me that this forest is a place where people's souls are transported to the edge of death. In order to save their lives, people must be “strong in body and spirit” (in the words of the woodcutter), precisely in order to pass all the tests and return home. There were temptations on their way, namely, to choose the easier path, that is, to give up, and stay there (this is something Wirth thought about more than once). Those who gave up the slack are always there.

    But Wirth kept going, he couldn't stop, at least because he cared about his little brother. It was he who gave him the strength to go further. But in the end, Wirth gives up. Because of the betrayal of a close friend. Yes, and in the cartoon he is shown as a character of weak will and filled with cowardice and doubt. When Wirth gives up, Greg takes his place. In fact, they manage to return only thanks to each other's support. They fight for each other and go to any difficulties, just not to give each other up for destruction.

    Based on all this, I believe that the cartoon wants to clearly show how a person fights for life in a difficult life situation. What difficulties await him and how important it is not to give up and have the support of loved ones. How important is a person's will, first of all, the will to live, the desire to move forward.�

    In the last episode, the beast offers Wirth a seemingly easy way out. At least the most advantageous option in this environment under such circumstances. And Wirth almost agrees. It was true that he had thought about staying in the forest many times, and besides, he was already used to it. But he refused. This scene shows how important it is to remember your true goals and values, not to give in to circumstances. It is necessary to soberly assess the situation, no matter how deeply you are not mired in it, even if it seems that you already belong here.�

    But I didn't understand why the children were the target of the beast.

  3. I don't think you should look at the cartoon series as a full-fledged story about how two brothers got lost and alternately helped each other. I believe that the cartoon series represents the whole, for example, one person, and the brothers are two opposite moods.�

    Wyrd hadn't really cared about his brother in the first place. He took it easy when Greg ran away or got lost from time to time. Wyrd also blames Greg for all the troubles, but he can't take responsibility for anything. He constantly gives up in the face of danger and it is easier for him to accept the situation as it develops, rather than try to pull himself together and change something. Wyrd represents weakness, as he constantly gives up, accepts the sad reality, runs away from responsibility, abandons a friend because of resentment at the deception, instead of accepting that the friend has changed and regrets the act (about Beatrice). In general and in short, Wyrd is weakness and doubt.

    Greg is a bold dreamer. He never gives up and always sees the pros in any situation. Greg throughout the cartoon series tries to save Wyrd in a dangerous situation, tries to help, does not let down the spirit. He always sees a way out of the situation and goes to meet the unknown. Greg represents here a strong spirit, will, determination, conscience and pure thoughts. Perhaps this is why he is shown in the role of a small boy, because as a child's thoughts and hearts are usually the purest and most unblemished by the harsh truth of life. We are also always ready to learn new things. They always see this “light in the dark”. But do not forget that Greg, after all, sometimes flirted, got carried away and because of this got into trouble or lost.

    Therefore, I want to conclude that the whole cartoon series is one metaphor, where Wyrd and Greg are the weak and strong sides of our spirit and consciousness, which should not exist one by one. They must go through life's obstacles only together, and only then will they reach the goal and the end will be happy. Wyrd is weak and cowardly, but he sometimes brings common sense when Greg has been flirting too much and things have gotten out of hand. Greg is strong, brave and kind, he helps Wyrd not to give up, does not attach importance to meanness in his direction, does not take offense when Wyrd is angry with him, takes care of himself in the end, but sometimes excessive confidence and the desire to comprehend the unknown covered him,because of which he got into trouble.

    This is how the cartoon series tells us that we will overcome all the difficulties of life if our Wyrd and Greg work together in our heads, in balance.�

    And all the people and animals that the brothers meet are examples of what a balance disorder can do and how it affects the lives and minds of these minor characters. And the brothers help the characters casually realize their mistakes.

    Beatrice-wanted to save her family so much that she tried to ruin someone else's and finally came to her senses in the end, and was awarded a pair of scissors from Wyrd. The woodcutter-so did not want to let his daughter go that he supported the soul of strangers with the soul of his daughter and eventually accepted that this was not right and let his daughter go, because he realized that he was deceived and could not return her, and was rewarded by the fact that she returned to him. Aunt Rustle – at any time she could free the girl from the evil spirit with the help of bells, but she thinks in a limited way and simply restrained the evil, and in the end her brothers freed her and Aunt Rustle and the girl became happy. The teacher of animals-drowned in treacherous love, eventually saw that she did not correctly understand reality, and as a reward became happy with her lover. Pumpkins are situations that at first glance look scary, but in fact do not pose any threat. The beast is temptation and deception. The Rich man and the Ghost Girl is the personification of the fact that often we do not notice that what we are looking for somewhere far away and what we dream of is very close.�

    P.S. If Yandex suggested that I write and publish a review of this cartoon series, I will write it more concisely and in a more organized way 😄.

  4. Everyone has been through Greek mythology and should know who Charon is? He transports the souls of the dead across the river Styx, and for this he needs to pay 1 coin. Usually this coin was placed in or on the mouth of the deceased.

    Vooot, both Wirth and my beloved baby boy Greg had to pay 2 coins to cross the river for Adelaide, remember? But in the end, baby Greg took and threw away these two coins .

    That is, they did not pay for the transportation of their souls.

  5. According to the popular version (there are many indirect confirmations, such as the grave of the tea baron in the real world), the characters were in purgatory when they fell into the river, and returned from it when they were brought out of a coma in the hospital.�

    The main villain, the Beast, represents despair. The heroes went through purgatory, where they fought for each other, made various moral choices, changed for the better, became more responsible and courageous, and learned not to give up.

    I also noticed that Lorna and Aunt Whisper's relationship is an example of a codependent relationship. Lorna is ill (possessed by an evil spirit). Only other children can help her, but Auntie believes that they summon a spirit. Auntie could have exorcised the spirit with a bell, but she manipulated the spirit instead. It's like those cases when an illness (for example, alcoholism) of one family member supports another. Here you can see the triangle of manipulative relationships: savior, victim, stalker.�

    Thus, the whole cartoon is deeply metaphorical.

    Detailed analysis of the cartoon on https://ficbook.net/readfic/3489446 from the author with the nickname samoubisya

    https://geekster.ru/hot-news/under-a-microscope-over-the-garden-wall-part-1/ – ПОД МИКРОСКОПОМ: “ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FENCE”. PART 1

  6. God! Sorry, I won't answer the question. Because what the hell difference does it make if it even makes sense!? He's already awesome! Do you know many animated series that start with a romance? I'm the only one. This. Have you noticed the non-trivial development of events in each episode? Fed up with cartoons, books, movies, the mind of a modern person lazily clicks the mouse on the next movie, in the depths of his soul being confident that he will most likely predict the development of events by watching the video for a third. But the special thing about “beyond the fence” is that if you think you know what's going to happen next-be sure you don't! And it's a masterpiece! How vividly the characters of the boys are spelled out! How organically fit all these not very vital techniques from a series of sudden songs are not very relevant. And what songs! This is the only example, by the way, where I like the Russian translation much more than the original. And God! How this frog sings! What an amazing atmosphere is created from watching it!�

    Meaning? Who cares….

  7. The first answer looks very convincing. But I refuse to believe it's all a dream, even though it's just Greg's dream.

    Personally, I think that the whole cartoon series is a big metaphor, and the whole Unknown world is a kind of test that is sent to all the characters in order for them to realize the real value of life and the “right attitude”. After all, the forester, who still managed to overcome himself and blow out the lantern flame, overcame himself and realized that maintaining the fire is just an imaginary consolation, in the end the daughter returns. Or maybe she never went anywhere, and he built his own barriers? In general, the whole point is not to give up and not create problems for yourself, as Wirth did before the trip.

    In addition, in the hospital room, we see in the belly of Jason Funderberker's frog the glow of Aunt Rustle's bell, with which she controlled the spirit that possessed Lorna. So the version with sleep disappears for sure.

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