21 Answers

  1. If it is “scientific”, that is, modern, fiction, then this is primarily” Anathema “by Neil Stevenson, “Other Songs” by Jacek Dukai and “False Blindness” by Peter Watts. Philip K. Dick's “Do Androids Dream of Electric Swimmers” is also better not to forget. If they are fiction at all, then you can include Thomas More's Utopia, Francis Bacon's New Atlantis, Dostoevsky's The Dream of a Funny Man, Hermann Hess's The Bead Game, and Ernst Junger's Heliopolis. That's probably enough to start with.

  2. This question is very difficult to answer, because I do not know what you have already read. We assume that you have surpassed all Bradbury, Simak, Sheckley, Asimov, Heinlein, Johnson, that you know Strugatsky, that you have already checked out Lukyanenko? Or are you at the beginning of this journey?

  3. start with the Strugatskys. This is already a classic.

    And then you were recommended a lot of good things.

    And they passed by the geniuses of 20th-century literature.

    Disorder. I would say almost lawlessness

  4. In my opinion,a simple reader, first of all I will advise the “Foundation”of Isaac Aizimov.I have a cool attitude towards the Strugatskys,but their trilogy about Maxim Kammerer from”Midday cycle, perfectly combined with the question.And of course-Bradbury's “Fahrenheit 451”, Robert Heinlein's “The Roads Must Roll”.Something like that.

  5. “The Times of the Philosophers”. I wrote this book. For lack of funds, I published it in the simplest version, in the electronic publishing house Lit. res. Unfortunately, the book did not find its reader. You may be the first person to read it.

  6. I recommend the novel ” False Blindness “by the Canadian writer Peter Watts, winner of the Hugo Award. Solid science fiction, psychological novel, philosophical novel. And the continuation of the series is his “Echopraxia”. There is a cycle in one volume ” Ognepad. False blindness. Zero. The insect gods. The Colonel. Echopraxia”

  7. Any classic of twentieth-century science fiction, depending on what kind of discussion you want to see.

    Arthur C. Clarke discusses humanity's place in the universe with his Odyssey and Childhood's End.

    Philip K. Dick-these are questions about what is reality, what is a person and where the boundaries of these concepts are.

    Ursula Le Guin, although not my favorite author, but quite skillfully and deeply raises the issues and problems of society from the positions of socialism and feminism.

    The Strugatsky brothers are almost always acute social issues.

    Frank Herbert and his Dune are questions about the path of human development.

    Joe Haldeman talks about war and peace in Infinity War, and Heinlein does the same, but from a different perspective.

    Cyberpunk fiction from Sterling and Gibson is quite a serious and relevant discussion about where the growth of technological development will lead us without solving the problems of social stratification.

    This list can go on for a long time, I personally usually focus on choosing which work of “classic” fiction to get acquainted with, focusing on the winners and shortlists of major awards like “Hugo” and “Nebula”.

    Of the more modern authors, I can recommend Peter Watts, who raises the problems of the mind and its role from the point of view of modern scientific ideas. Neil Stevenson's Semievium, which discusses the world after the end of the world, and Avalanche, which is both a witty experiment on language, social fiction, and a pretty good description of the possibilities of virtual reality. Paul Di Filippo and Ribofank are thoughts on the development of biotechnology and what will change in our lives with this development.

  8. Science fiction with a philosophy outside of science/technology is quite small.

    Well, I would suggest such a choice.

    Mikhail Kharitonov – “Success”

    Svyatoslav Loginov – “The Many-armed God of the Dalai Lama”

    Pavel Dmitriev – “It's not too late”, this is popadanstvo, but with a rather strong philosophical component.

    Fyodor Berezin – “Ashes”

    Kir Bulychev – “Pet”

    Pyotr Krasnov – “Beyond the Thistle”

    This is mostly political philosophy and anthropology in the Russian literary tradition, so you need to read based on the metaphor of the situation.

    From non-Russian literature I will offer:

    Stanislav Lem – “Fiasco”

    Pascal Bruckner – “The Divine Child”

    Bruce Sterling – The Schismatrix, late stories.

    I recommend books that are not “on the bottom shelves”, so do not chew them many times, the impression will be fresh.

  9. Bill is a galactic hero.Harry Garrison.Just philosophy is worth such a book.This Bill has a great philosophical approach to everything.Very similar to the philosophers and psychologists who sit here and get smart.

  10. “Predatory things of the Century” by A. and B. Strugatsky, at the time of their publication in 1965, seemed to us, young co-readers, some unspeakable, improbable abstraction. Finally, I don't know what you're talking about! And suddenly, with the advent of a new time, – ely-paly, but this is about us, today! Unmotivated melancholy from hopelessness, senseless (deadly) risk and drugs from the lack of meaning of existence, terrorist attacks carried out by those who at any cost want to wake society from a deep, maybe deathly sleep… The authors half a century ago depicted our current life to us – to the smallest detail, to the smallest detail. The book became relevant 50 years after its publication. Isn't that fantastic in itself? Who hasn't read it – read it, who has read it – read it again, you won't regret it. I, the reader with …I don't remember anything like this in my summer experience.

  11. But science fiction with philosophy would be boring. But there are many authors and books where there is no philosophy, there are no tedious arguments, but in philosophy they will leave Bacon and Voltaire far behind. Verkor “People, or animals”. This can not be attributed to science fiction. Okay, Lao She's “Notes on Cat City” – isn't that a philosophy? Lem's “Return from the Stars” is the meaning of life and the place of man in the universe. Also, “Diary found in the bathroom”, “Investigation”, even “Cyberiad” and “Voice of the Lord” (Lem, whatever you take, has a philosophy, and he is the founder of philosophy of the 21st century! I will not mention his pure philosophy, “Moloch” and so on). Bul ” Planet of the Apes “( films from Bul left nothing). “Y minus” by Herbert Franke, (again I will not be Orwell and Huxley), “Penguin Island” and “War of Angels” (also someone will say, this is not SF!) Philosophy is in every smart book. In general, do not read “piu-piu” and ” redneck!” Read Saimak's “Almost Like Humans” and “Goblin Sanctuary”.

  12. Read Kurt Vonnegut and Bernard Werber, very amazing science fiction, you will love it without a doubt, Vonnegut has “Sirens of Titan”, Werber has the “We are Gods”trilogy

  13. I didn't see Heinlein's previous answers, and especially “A stranger in a strange land”. Just this work has a philosophical bias, and it is not boring. Perhaps, at the beginning, it is not at all clear what we are talking about, but later everything will fall into place and you will definitely not remain indifferent.

  14. The one I suggested is not out of fiction, but all the other (requested) components are present. Please do not delete, add, correct, or move anything from place to place. If you find it interesting and useful for yourself, then just download it and do whatever you see fit with what you've already downloaded. Ссылка: https://yadi.sk/d/dS_Nk_DCd0wSpQ?w=1

  15. A lot of books on this topic, science fiction with philosophy gives a special taste to books, I personally hooked the Bhagavad-Gita as it is, a lot of philosophy, very serious arguments, you can see

  16. There is one of the best existing books on Earth, “Dedication”, written by Elizabeth Heich.
    The book covers both the history of Atlantis and the role of the Atlanteans in spiritual evolution on Earth, as well as the methodology of spiritual work of the Atlantean successors — the Egyptian priests who worked in the main pyramid of Egypt.
    Readers will benefit much more if they read it in its entirety.

  17. if you move away from the labels and advice of literary critics and try to read something for yourself and to suit your taste then you can name any novel with a thought about the past present and future where the author in a place with the hero reflects on the meaning of human existence in the world and that you can remember jules verne and wells and isaac asimov for example the academy there is one of the heroes a scientist already interesting and screwed up there a lot of things or snegov too you can find something interesting or efremov or dune look through or there aelita or about ichthyander

  18. “Return from the Stars” – Stanislav Lem.

    “Fearsome Borders” – Michael Gere, trilogy.

    “Hour of the Bull” – Ivan Yefremov.

    “The Coming of the Night” – Peter Hamilton.

    “Strata” – Terry Pratchett.

    Iar Elterrus-everything.

    Andrey Livadny-Raven, Dubog.

  19. I will add the “Relic” of Vasily Golovachev that I liked. Three-volume book. Budushee, Russia, the universe, extroverted abilities of a person, contacts with a multi-faceted universe with non-your physics. Other races. Opposing beliefs. Variants of highly developed technologies.

  20. With a philosophical bent? Then I understand that not only science fiction will do, but also what Isaac Asimov called “social fiction” Try reading this:

    Foreign authors:

    1. D. Simmons tetralogy of 4 novels “Songs of Hyperion” (“Hyperion”, “Sunset of Hyperion”, “Endymion”, “Endymion Sunrise”).

    2. A. Asimov collection of short stories “I, Robot”, novels – “Bicentennial man”, ” The End of eternity “(dystopia).

    3. R. Bradbury's ” Fahrenheit 451 “(dystopia), well, read the stories. There is quite a lot of meaning there, especially philosophical ones.

    4. W. Le Guin – “The Left Hand of Darkness”, ” The Dispossessed/Destitute” (the title of the book in fact does not have a normal translation, because in the literal sense it means “Deprived of all property”, so it should be translated, but no one translates it for ideological reasons, “Disinherited”, “Deprived of the right to own”is also suitable).

    5. G. Wells ” The Time Machine “(dystopia), “War of the Worlds”.

    6. A. Conan Doyle “The Discovery of Raffles Haw”. �

    7. O. Huxley “The Island” (utopia), ” Brave New World “(dystopia)

    8. D. Orwell “1984” (dystopia)

    9. R. Sheckley ” The Civilization of Status “(dystopia)

    10. R. Zelazny ” Keys to December “(as an adult man, when I read it, I cried), “Valley of Curses”.

    11. P. Anderson “High treason”, “Sister Earth”.

    12. G. Dixon “Lalangamena”, “Strange Colonists”, “Wild Wolf” (dystopia),�

    13. R. Silverberg ” To See the Invisible Man “(dystopian short story)

    14. To. Saimak “When the house is lonely”, ” Why call them back from heaven?”

    15. At. Nolan ” And my eyelids will be closed with fatigue.”

    16. Donald Westlake “The Winner” (dystopian short story)

    17. Larry Niven (Niven) – “The Whole Billion Ways”, “Lucifer's Hammer” (post-apocalypse)

    18. E. Hamilton “Hammer of the Valkars”

    19. F. Leiber “Mad Wolf” (in other translations “Madness”, “Obsession”).


    Domestic authors:

    1. A. R. Belyaev “Professor Dowell's Head”, “KEC Star”, “Jump into Nothing”.

    2. A. Tolstoy “Hyperboloid of engineer Garin”, “Aelita”.

    3. The Strugatsky Brothers-Trilogy by M. Kammerer (“Inhabited Island”, “Beetle in an anthill”, Waves extinguish the Wind”), “It's hard to be a God”, “Escape attempt”, “Picnic on the roadside “”Kid”.

    4. I. A. Efremov “Andromeda Nebula”, “Hour of the Bull” (I advise you to start with “Hour of the Bull”, although it was written later and is a continuation of the world described in “Andromeda Nebula”)

    5. Marina and Sergey Dyachenko “Digital or brevis est”, “Armageddon”.

    6. S. Lukyanenko – the dilogy “Stars-cold toys” (“Stars-cold toys” “Star Shadow”), the dilogy “Line of Dreams” (“Line of Dreams”, “Emperors of Illusions”), the world” Beautiful far away “(a series of short stories – “The Road to Wellesberg”,” My dad is an antibiotic”,” Almost Spring”,” Taste of Freedom”), the novels” Spectrum”,”Genome” also deserve attention. In general, S. Lukyanenko certainly writes more fantasy, all his “Watches” are pure urban fantasy, like most stories. He is generally more of a moralist than a science fiction writer.

    That's enough for now. If I remember, I'll add it.

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