3 Answers

  1. I listen to different kinds of music. Starting from trip hop and jazz, and ending with heavy music.�

    I listen to everything according to my mood. You often have to listen to it at work. Some things help you concentrate, while others add some speed and drive to your work.

  2. In general, I prefer the music that causes sharp attacks of emotions, otherwise the melody simply does not touch me and will not be remembered. In general, in one of the articles I read that our pleasure from listening to music depends on playing a “guessing game” with the brain. The more our brain's expectations match reality, the more we like music. Well, in my case, hip-hop and electronica bring me the greatest level of emotions and pleasure, to a lesser extent screamo and jent, but I also love them 🙂 from hip-hop I love mostly western, Russian rap I prefer only old (Slaves of the Lamp, DOTSFAM, that's all). From electronics, I love breakbeat, trap, dubstep for a while, I went well, but now I rarely listen, like this witchhouse of yours, in which, in my opinion, there was nothing really valuable except SALEM. From Pop, I mostly listen to what is connected with some events in my life, for example, I quote very much the britpop collective Pet Shop Boys, whose creativity I absorbed almost with my mother's milk. Recently discovered such a great genre as baile funk, originally from the favelas of Brazil, at the same time simple and stupid as a stump with five samples copied from 80's Florida electronics for the entire industry, but at the same time it brings me to a kind of near-orgasmic state, I don't even know what the reason is 😀 My favorite genre right now is phonk or trill (to make it clear to you, it's like cloudrap, only in darker tones) I listen to it almost 24/7 with mixes, and I don't even get bored. Chopped&Screwed is already a classic, but it's more like music for night / evening listening. But grime, which is now becoming popular, managed to get bored even without being included in my playlist. Dancehall is a very cool and groovy genre, a mix of electronic dance music and reggae, I really like it, among the performers I can single out Shabba Ranks and General Levy. In general, as I already said, everything here is for an amateur, do not be afraid to experiment!: 3

  3. I listen to all kinds of music, from classical to stoner. Also, a separate place is occupied by Soviet pop music, music of the seventies. The main thing is that the works should be musical, regardless of the genre. Sometimes it is impossible to listen to some classics due to unclear thoughts, because of an overabundance/lack of means of musical expression. This also applies to contemporary music.

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