3 Answers

  1. A genius has a certain exceptional ability in relation to other people and this ability is recognized as valuable by a large community of people(genius in spitting a cherry stone at a distance is not particularly popular).

    That's why it differs. All other signs can be anything.

  2. As I was once told, genius is the highest manifestation of talent. That is, look: there are makings — an innate tendency to something. They develop in the course of their activities, and we get talent. And the highest point of talent is genius. Also, according to my teacher, a genius should be ahead of the current level of development of something, making in some sense “the art of the future”. But there is a natural question: if in the future art is degraded, and a certain person wants this “degenerate” art from the future now, then can we say that he is a genius?

    Roughly speaking, if there was a composer in Tchaikovsky's time who wrote works that were similar in complexity and harmony to modern rap beats, would he be a genius or not? We, then reflecting, came to the conclusion that there would be. But here everyone will decide for themselves.�

    UPD: Regarding the differences from an ordinary person: a genius does something fundamentally new. Here is a poet who writes poetry-well done, and the person who wrote the first novel in verse is a genius, because he created a new format.

  3. Most likely, you won't recognize a genius in the crowd. All signs of a person's genius are ambiguous and vague, but there are several common factors.

    Scientists have been grappling with this question for centuries. Previously, genius was associated with the number of convolutions or even more weight of the brain. But in practice, this was not the case. For example, the brain weight of I. S. Turgenev was 2012 gy. But there was also more weight-it was a patient of the hospital for the mentally ill and was as much as 2850 grams. The brain of the great French writer Anatole France weighed only 1017 grams.

    Today, scientists are more inclined to believe that genius depends not on these parameters, but on how many neurons are concentrated in the brain. Another hypothesis suggests that we are all geniuses from the moment we are born. So, for example, in order for a child to learn to speak, he will have to perform a series of incredibly complex calculations that will make it possible to understand where one word begins and another ends. At the same time, an adult can spend more than one year learning a foreign language. Children learn more easily than adults, but in the process of growing up, most of them lose this ability.

    At the same time, children turn on the part of the brain that is responsible for “correct” behavior. Does this mean that geniuses don't have it? It is difficult to say unequivocally, but many brilliant personalities were distinguished by rather eccentric behavior.

    Other signs of genius include assertiveness and bravery. As a rule, such people do not care much about what other people think about them, and their main goal is the business they prefer. Purpose is the meaning of a genius's life, and this quality can sometimes become daunting. To achieve this goal, a person who is inclined to genius is ready to go to great lengths: stay up for several days, study materials, absorb new knowledge, go 1000 kilometers away from civilization. Constant dynamics and an endless flow of energy are characteristic of many geniuses. They are fueled by a purpose, a life's work, which they burn with. However, at times such periods can be replaced by procrastination, when the brain burns out and it needs rest.

    It is difficult to say whether it is possible to develop a genius. But you can become more attentive, remember more, work more productively, and plan more successfully. Exercise equipment designed to improve cognitive functions can also help you do this. They are based on scientific developments of leading scientists.

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