3 Answers

  1. Kurt Vonnegut, Mark Twain. I don't need real people at all. I was like this when I was eighteen. And Vonnegut was just like that back then, and what if I wasn't his product?

  2. My parents and my Institute (MAI).

    My parents gave me an understanding of the level at which what you do should be done (regardless of the field of activity).

    The university taught you how to solve problems (no, not only in physics, but problems in principle).

    I don't work in my parents ' specialty. I also don't work in the specialty I received at MAI. But the foundation that I can apply to solving absolutely any problem (although it may be less effective for some tasks than some others) is laid by them.

  3. Exactly what I do every day – nobody. The method is combined from what the teachers of sociology and psychology with psychoanalysts told me about the dream. Books on finance and venture capital don't count.

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