Posted on 2022-11-13 by alex tern Why are people afraid of change and public opinion?After all, change is the first step to success…(from my own experience)? Read Why are people afraid of change and public opinion?After all, change is the first step to success…(from my own experience)?
Read Why are people afraid of change and public opinion?After all, change is the first step to success…(from my own experience)?
Posted on 2022-09-18 by alex tern (From a legal point of view)Whether it is necessary to save people from suicide against their will.Does a healthy person have the right to die? Read (From a legal point of view)Whether it is necessary to save people from suicide against their will.Does a healthy person have the right to die?
Read (From a legal point of view)Whether it is necessary to save people from suicide against their will.Does a healthy person have the right to die?