Posted on 2022-03-17 by Religion How would you change your mind if someone proved to you that the so-called "epiphany" is the brain's response to a certain stimulation? Read How would you change your mind if someone proved to you that the so-called "epiphany" is the brain's response to a certain stimulation?
Read How would you change your mind if someone proved to you that the so-called "epiphany" is the brain's response to a certain stimulation?
Posted on 2022-03-17 by Philosophy What is common and different between philosophy and philosophizing? Read What is common and different between philosophy and philosophizing?
Posted on 2022-03-17 by Alex Arutyunyan Is it possible to justify the "sixth sense" from a scientific point of view, and why do some people have better intuition, while others have worse? Read Is it possible to justify the "sixth sense" from a scientific point of view, and why do some people have better intuition, while others have worse?
Read Is it possible to justify the "sixth sense" from a scientific point of view, and why do some people have better intuition, while others have worse?
Posted on 2022-03-17 by Daunil Tatkhinyrov Should we hope for the best in Russia? Read Should we hope for the best in Russia?
Posted on 2022-03-17 by Kate Boletus Where can I find a lost item? Read Where can I find a lost item?
Posted on 2022-03-17 by Valera R. What are the effects of LSD on mental abilities? Read What are the effects of LSD on mental abilities?
Posted on 2022-03-17 by Nikita Serdyuk How can you explain the telekinesis of a fifth-grader from Omsk or is this just another duck for the sake of HYPE? Read How can you explain the telekinesis of a fifth-grader from Omsk or is this just another duck for the sake of HYPE?
Read How can you explain the telekinesis of a fifth-grader from Omsk or is this just another duck for the sake of HYPE?
Posted on 2022-03-16 by Philosophy Which of the Russian philosophers is most appreciated abroad? Read Which of the Russian philosophers is most appreciated abroad?