Posted on 2022-02-02 by Boiler Room What was David Hume's philosophy? Read What was David Hume's philosophy?
Posted on 2022-02-02 by Philosophy If God created the universe, who created God? In general, who created the beginning? Read If God created the universe, who created God? In general, who created the beginning?
Posted on 2022-02-02 by Pavel Skitalets The sun is doomed to cool down and become a white dwarf. Does this mean that human civilization is also doomed to complete extinction? Read The sun is doomed to cool down and become a white dwarf. Does this mean that human civilization is also doomed to complete extinction?
Read The sun is doomed to cool down and become a white dwarf. Does this mean that human civilization is also doomed to complete extinction?
Posted on 2022-02-02 by Anonymous question Why do people go to study philosophy? What are their goals and what is their future? Read Why do people go to study philosophy? What are their goals and what is their future?
Posted on 2022-02-02 by Сергій Мазур What is the essence of the phrase: "Fish oil will defeat postmodernism"? Read What is the essence of the phrase: "Fish oil will defeat postmodernism"?
Posted on 2022-02-02 by Ilya is A Student Do I have to pay my debt to the motherland if it has done nothing for me? Read Do I have to pay my debt to the motherland if it has done nothing for me?
Posted on 2022-02-01 by Ilya S. Our world is a computer simulation. What arguments support and refute this theory? Read Our world is a computer simulation. What arguments support and refute this theory?
Posted on 2022-02-01 by Pavel Nechuyatov Why is Nazism considered a right-wing ideology? Isn't it National Socialism? Read Why is Nazism considered a right-wing ideology? Isn't it National Socialism?
Posted on 2022-02-01 by Pantykin Andrey Why hasn't humanity created a political system that is free of violence and peaceful in the entire history of its existence? Read Why hasn't humanity created a political system that is free of violence and peaceful in the entire history of its existence?
Read Why hasn't humanity created a political system that is free of violence and peaceful in the entire history of its existence?