Posted on 2022-11-11 by Denis Gorelov Is it true that life is meaningless, since many people collect something, but in the end they lose it? Read Is it true that life is meaningless, since many people collect something, but in the end they lose it?
Read Is it true that life is meaningless, since many people collect something, but in the end they lose it?
Posted on 2022-11-10 by Anonymous question The main difference between Slavophiles and Westerners? Read The main difference between Slavophiles and Westerners?
Posted on 2022-11-10 by Anonymous question What ideas of spiritual reality would you call primitive, and why? Read What ideas of spiritual reality would you call primitive, and why?
Posted on 2022-11-10 by Alexey Vecherniy Can you recommend a foreign logic textbook in Russian? Read Can you recommend a foreign logic textbook in Russian?
Posted on 2022-11-10 by Victoria Zelinskaya Why did Wittgenstein go to war? Read Why did Wittgenstein go to war?
Posted on 2022-11-10 by Endless Faith What books should I read and watch to better understand Taoism? Read What books should I read and watch to better understand Taoism?
Posted on 2022-11-09 by Anonymous question Is it true that all philosophy is based on human desires? Read Is it true that all philosophy is based on human desires?
Posted on 2022-11-09 by Anonymous question Why does everyone hate Hegel so much? Read Why does everyone hate Hegel so much?
Posted on 2022-11-09 by Ernest Chlamburkets Does science have any idea why the universe came into being? Read Does science have any idea why the universe came into being?