Posted on 2022-02-06 by Sergey Lavrov What's the point of living if you're already going to die? Read What's the point of living if you're already going to die?
Posted on 2022-02-06 by Alla Moiseeva What authors in philosophy don't deserve attention? Read What authors in philosophy don't deserve attention?
Posted on 2022-02-06 by Nikita Svetov What is the methodology, please explain in simple words? Read What is the methodology, please explain in simple words?
Posted on 2022-02-06 by Hayk Sahakyan How can very intelligent and erudite people, sometimes even philosophers, not notice the outright stupidity (in my opinion) of religious texts? Read How can very intelligent and erudite people, sometimes even philosophers, not notice the outright stupidity (in my opinion) of religious texts?
Read How can very intelligent and erudite people, sometimes even philosophers, not notice the outright stupidity (in my opinion) of religious texts?
Posted on 2022-02-06 by Anonymous question Why do people run away from reality (read books, watch movies, hang out on the computer), if you can spend your whole life like this? Read Why do people run away from reality (read books, watch movies, hang out on the computer), if you can spend your whole life like this?
Read Why do people run away from reality (read books, watch movies, hang out on the computer), if you can spend your whole life like this?
Posted on 2022-02-06 by Aleksandr Polamishev What 20th-century philosophical texts would you recommend reading? Read What 20th-century philosophical texts would you recommend reading?
Posted on 2022-02-06 by Sasha Artasova What is the specificity of Eastern philosophy? Read What is the specificity of Eastern philosophy?
Posted on 2022-02-06 by Anonymous question Why don't atheists consider themselves religious if they worship Lenin instead of God and believe in communism instead of heaven? Read Why don't atheists consider themselves religious if they worship Lenin instead of God and believe in communism instead of heaven?
Read Why don't atheists consider themselves religious if they worship Lenin instead of God and believe in communism instead of heaven?
Posted on 2022-02-06 by Sayan Oyun Why are we so poor if we're so smart? Read Why are we so poor if we're so smart?