Posted on 2022-02-04 by Artur Khamidov Will any matter in our universe (theoretically) disappear from existence if it suddenly appears outside of it (i.e., outside the universe)? What would happen to matter if it were out of the universe? Read Will any matter in our universe (theoretically) disappear from existence if it suddenly appears outside of it (i.e., outside the universe)? What would happen to matter if it were out of the universe?
Read Will any matter in our universe (theoretically) disappear from existence if it suddenly appears outside of it (i.e., outside the universe)? What would happen to matter if it were out of the universe?
Posted on 2022-02-04 by Nobody Niktovich Where is the reflection in the mirror? Read Where is the reflection in the mirror?
Posted on 2022-02-04 by Andrey Belousov Is there a formula for drama in art that will make everyone empathize? Read Is there a formula for drama in art that will make everyone empathize?
Posted on 2022-02-04 by Anonymous question What's the point of"Island of the Damned"? Read What's the point of"Island of the Damned"?
Posted on 2022-02-04 by BZHL Nevel Should science have a monopoly on explaining the world, or is unscientific knowledge possible? Read Should science have a monopoly on explaining the world, or is unscientific knowledge possible?
Posted on 2022-02-04 by Anonymous question I don't believe in God! Why do people who believe in him die? Where is it, when is it needed? Read I don't believe in God! Why do people who believe in him die? Where is it, when is it needed?
Posted on 2022-02-04 by Kefir Monster Why is Gaspar Noe's " Love "not" just porn"? What do you think of this film? Read Why is Gaspar Noe's " Love "not" just porn"? What do you think of this film?
Posted on 2022-02-04 by Pavel Mikhalovsky Why, according to supporters of the flat earth theory, should we support the myth that the earth is round? Read Why, according to supporters of the flat earth theory, should we support the myth that the earth is round?
Read Why, according to supporters of the flat earth theory, should we support the myth that the earth is round?
Posted on 2022-02-04 by Anonymous question What is the essence of the categorical imperative? Read What is the essence of the categorical imperative?
Posted on 2022-02-04 by Anonymous question What interesting opinion of the child made you think seriously? Read What interesting opinion of the child made you think seriously?